[Game] Hit & Heal

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Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now
I activate the Magic Cards: Hinotama and Dian Keto the Cure Master! Attack Lecross directly and heal Scipio!


Hit: Lecross
Heal: Scipio


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
Scar - once we've done our hit/heal do we then wait for you to state Day 2 before doing the next one?


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Well, yesterday was first round, today is next one IMO (according to my time zones). Scar will update list or someone else will turn off each of round When Scar will be not online).


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
As my first one was this morning which was "today" for me so it makes sense for it to be Scar to state Day 2 to make sure with time zones n such.


Staff member
Hit and Heal

- Hagaren Gao magically gained 3 HP
- A bomb blew up at Kage's and she lost 2 HP :(
- Sorry I was late in updating >< I sorta forgot about this.

Players - Health:
1. Scar - 21
2. Albert - 14
3. Vande - 21
4. Scipio - 22
5. Kage - 18
6. Nemomon - 19
7. Lecros - 18
8. Johnzaloog - 18
9. Magna - 17
10. Hagaren Gao - 24

Day 2 begins!

Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now
Beedrill! Use Twinneedle on Nemomon! Chansey, use Softboiled on Johnzaloog!

Hit: Nemomon
Heal: Johnzaloog

...Why does everyone keep giving me these strange looks?


Staff member
Hit and Heal
Day 2 has ENDED

- No events today because it's snowing~
- If you see an error in your HP, please let me know ><

Players - Health:
1. Scar - 19
2. Albert - 11
3. Vande - 19
4. Scipio - 23
5. Kage - 19
6. Nemomon - 16
7. Lecros - 14
8. Johnzaloog - 17
9. Magna - 17
10. Hagaren Gao - 24

Day 3 begins!
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