Lecros you have to heal someone as well for it to count Hit: Hagaren Heal: Spiritboy
Vande Active Member Evil Incarnate? Feb 3, 2008 #121 Lecros you have to heal someone as well for it to count Hit: Hagaren Heal: Spiritboy
Johnzaloog DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Feb 3, 2008 #123 I'm back~ And I'm still alive! yay! Hit: Nemomon (sorry ;_; ) Heal: Hagaren
Joey ♥ Webcomic Fiend ♥ Feb 3, 2008 #125 You can't heal me, since I'm dead, you need to heal someone else. Rejuvenate: Kage Wallop: Johnzaloog
You can't heal me, since I'm dead, you need to heal someone else. Rejuvenate: Kage Wallop: Johnzaloog
Nemomon <b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo Feb 3, 2008 #126 Seems I will die next Hit: Hagaren Heal: SpiritBoy
Vande Active Member Evil Incarnate? Feb 4, 2008 #127 Lecros;25920 said: Do I have to heal someone? >.> Click to expand... yes even as a ghost. Day 13 Events... -Kage is punished again for not postin yesterday -6 points one to each player -Spiritboy is punished for not posting yesterday -2 points to the pot -John is back so is no longer exempt from post punishment Points Pot: 4 Players 1. Vande - 17 2. Johnzaloog - 18 3. Nemomon - 19 4. Kage - 14 5. Spiritboy - 17 6. Takatofan - 20 7. Hagaren - 13
Lecros;25920 said: Do I have to heal someone? >.> Click to expand... yes even as a ghost. Day 13 Events... -Kage is punished again for not postin yesterday -6 points one to each player -Spiritboy is punished for not posting yesterday -2 points to the pot -John is back so is no longer exempt from post punishment Points Pot: 4 Players 1. Vande - 17 2. Johnzaloog - 18 3. Nemomon - 19 4. Kage - 14 5. Spiritboy - 17 6. Takatofan - 20 7. Hagaren - 13
Johnzaloog DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Feb 4, 2008 #128 Vande;26005 said: -John is back so is no longer exempt from post punishment Click to expand... Shame, lol hit: Kage (will he even feel it?) heal: Vande
Vande;26005 said: -John is back so is no longer exempt from post punishment Click to expand... Shame, lol hit: Kage (will he even feel it?) heal: Vande
S SpiritBoy New Member Feb 4, 2008 #130 Sorry I didn't post last day, had some problems going on in home. Heal - Nemomon Hit - Takatofan
Kage THE all-high-and-mighty Feb 4, 2008 #133 ><; I forgot all about this what with pulling all nighters at Robotics. Hit: Takatofan Heal: Vande
Vande Active Member Evil Incarnate? Feb 5, 2008 #134 Day 14 Events...-2 points are taken from Vande for being too evil and added to the points pot. Points Pot: 6 Players 1. Vande - 17 2. Johnzaloog - 19 3. Nemomon - 20 4. Kage - 8 5. Spiritboy - 16 6. Takatofan - 16 7. Hagaren - 14
Day 14 Events...-2 points are taken from Vande for being too evil and added to the points pot. Points Pot: 6 Players 1. Vande - 17 2. Johnzaloog - 19 3. Nemomon - 20 4. Kage - 8 5. Spiritboy - 16 6. Takatofan - 16 7. Hagaren - 14
Johnzaloog DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Feb 5, 2008 #137 you took 2 points from yourself? Hit:Kage Heal: Hagaren
Vande Active Member Evil Incarnate? Feb 5, 2008 #139 Johnzaloog;26182 said: you took 2 points from yourself? Click to expand... Even i am not exempt from the random events
Johnzaloog;26182 said: you took 2 points from yourself? Click to expand... Even i am not exempt from the random events