Hit: Takatofan Heal: Joey
Hagaren Gao Guess I'm fired now Jan 23, 2008 #28 (Bah. I'm done calling out attacks ) Hit: Jadealen Heal: Takatofan
Vande Active Member Evil Incarnate? Jan 24, 2008 #29 Day 2 Events... A fairy flies over Jadealen healing her +1 A demon decides to attack Kage taking -1 Players 1. Vande - 22 2. Johnzaloog - 17 3. Nemomon - 18 4. Kage - 20 5. Spiritboy - 18 6. Takatofan - 18 7. Lecros - 20 8. Hagaren - 20 9. Jadealen - 16 10. Joey - 21
Day 2 Events... A fairy flies over Jadealen healing her +1 A demon decides to attack Kage taking -1 Players 1. Vande - 22 2. Johnzaloog - 17 3. Nemomon - 18 4. Kage - 20 5. Spiritboy - 18 6. Takatofan - 18 7. Lecros - 20 8. Hagaren - 20 9. Jadealen - 16 10. Joey - 21
Johnzaloog DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Jan 24, 2008 #30 Hit:Jadealen (counter-counter-strike!, lol) Heal: Hagaren (Wish, baton pass)
Jadealen Dragon New Member Jan 24, 2008 #31 Actually, I'm a girl. Hit: Vande Heal: Johnzaloog (I counter your counter-counter-strike by healing you )
Actually, I'm a girl. Hit: Vande Heal: Johnzaloog (I counter your counter-counter-strike by healing you )
Vande Active Member Evil Incarnate? Jan 25, 2008 #38 Day 3 Events... A vampire sucks 2 points from Takatofan and gives them to Vande A fairy then flies over and takes 1 point from spirit boy giving it to Kage Players 1. Vande - 16 2. Johnzaloog - 19 3. Nemomon - 19 4. Kage - 18 5. Spiritboy - 17 6. Takatofan - 16 7. Lecros - 22 8. Hagaren - 21 9. Jadealen - 13 10. Joey - 21
Day 3 Events... A vampire sucks 2 points from Takatofan and gives them to Vande A fairy then flies over and takes 1 point from spirit boy giving it to Kage Players 1. Vande - 16 2. Johnzaloog - 19 3. Nemomon - 19 4. Kage - 18 5. Spiritboy - 17 6. Takatofan - 16 7. Lecros - 22 8. Hagaren - 21 9. Jadealen - 13 10. Joey - 21
Johnzaloog DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Jan 25, 2008 #39 Hit: Lecros (just because your winning, nothing personal, I didn't know who to hit) Heal: Hagaren (again, I'm too nice to you)
Hit: Lecros (just because your winning, nothing personal, I didn't know who to hit) Heal: Hagaren (again, I'm too nice to you)
Nemomon <b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo Jan 25, 2008 #40 Heal: Spiritboy (i may help You). Hit: Hagaren (Me too but You have more than me).