[Game] Anime/Manga Pic Trivia~ (Not Dial-up friendly)

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Nope, and Skull Kid and the Mask is apart of Oot/MM side story, if I'm remembering right. By "earlier" I meant game release, not the actual story.


New Member
That'd be the Ganon from A Link to the Past though X3. I'm pretty sure of it.

Edit: Oh my ...! That's Link's uncle! The one that gives you the shield and sword when you find him lying down in the sewer. I didn't recognize him until I looked at the page a second time, haha!


That would make the answer Triforce of the Gods but since I can't post a second answer before Jup replies, this is a freebie for whoever gets to it first.


THE all-high-and-mighty
"That would make the answer Triforce of the Gods but since I can't post a second answer before Jup replies, this is a freebie for whoever gets to it first."

/me didn't think that was Ganon..

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Flamestream got it. It is Kamigami no Triforce/A Link to the Past, and that is Link's uncle and the main bad guy in the panel is Agahnim, or however you spell it. I guess I should've worded it differently, and I do apologize. I guess you could call him a "Ganon minion".

Now another pic, but I'll post it later.


THE all-high-and-mighty
I knew it wasn't Ganon.. but I didn't remember a scene like that in ALttP so I didn't think that was it. /me fails


Somoene geussed it right again. I want to have one a little harder to geuss this time.

If i''m right the person who geusses correctly next may do a picture themselves.
*I still have to come up with a pic.*

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Okay, last one guys. This one will probably be really easy, but to make it challenging, you have to get the series specifically right, but knowing me, I'll probably change my mind. :-p

You know, like, let's say I put up a screen shot of...14-year-old Taichi. Saying "Digimon" won't count, but saying Digimon Adventure 02 would, since that's what the screen shot is specifically from.

Anywho, here you go...


I know theres people here who saw this but whatever:


I couldn't think of something else. >.<
How about a manga varant of this?

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Well, no, it really isn't. The bracelet isn't a clue, just shows the personality of the character, that's about it.

Never mind about specifics. Just the anime in general will be cool. I'm not going to give any clues until some more guesses come in, aside from the fact that this is an old series.


Awww man I just realized that I knew quite the majority of those pics since the Law of Ueki!!! D; I missed out! D:

Ok I know this is prolly not it, but you said the personality thingy so I'm taking a wild guess and saying Samurai Deeper Kyou even though the head gear thingy is way out of place. Lol. D;

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Yeah, it's Lupin III. You get bonus points if you tell me which TV season/series that screen shot is from. :p


No its not it. I never expected this one to be this hard. of course this is one of the most out of place parts in the whole anime. but when I joined I saw quite a few people saw this anime. (Maybe not the fucked up 2nd season which this is from.)
Another hint the guy got married underage in this anime.


Well yeah it is. The weird second season. to be honoust I didn't pick out a hard picture on purpose I randomly chose an episode and took a screenshot.

The epsode I picked was airly crazy XD.
Well then its your turn.


Staff member
lovely DVD screenshot :D

Such a hard shot... so I'm going to name shows you've seen!

Yu Yu Hakusho. (doesn't look like it... but the blood... and whatever is on the ground! It could be!)


&hearts; Webcomic Fiend &hearts;
That looks so familiar...
I think I've seen it before, and I'll be headdesking when someone names it. :x


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing

And this isn't on my MAL list for some reason, so I'll only put it on there when someone guess right.