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  1. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Looks legit:
  2. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    AnoHana Movie? Umm, yes please. New Sailor Moon? :o WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?
  3. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Jealous. Doesn't come out in Australia til' December the 26th...
  4. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Aggh. Been getting DNS errors again :(
  5. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    YuruYuru could refer to this manga: けんおん is a misspelling of the word けいおん, but I think you already discussed that. Meaning the sentence is more like: [This fan rendition of] K-On Club is a playful manga with YuruYuru and Magic the Gathering...
  6. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Yeah, same here :(
  7. DQA

    Happy birthday Ryan/Skr/Scar

    Happy Birtthhdaayy RYAN~~~ Wow! Everyone has been having Birthday's recently!! O.O Sucks that you have an exam, but hope you had/are having a great day either way.
  8. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    That was me :cool:
  9. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    It all makes sense now... :o
  10. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

  11. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    I dun get it. If I'm in Australia, and the world ends on the 21st, what about other places around the world? The time difference between Australia and New York is 15:30 hours ahead, which means any time before 3:30pm in Australia would be the 20th in New York. Does that mean that Australia ends...
  12. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Yeah, same here. I hate that I'm saying this, but I really dislike Asuna now that she's all like "Kirito-kun, tasukete~~!". Gawd, I had characters like that ._.
  13. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Yeah, I've finished both of them. :D
  14. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Holy shit. Found my old PS2 and a couple of games. Been playing Jak and Daxter for a couple of hours now... so addictive even though I've finished the game a billion times before o_o Quick, someone save mee~~
  15. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    ... I could barely even stand seven hours ... Guess that shows how much I rely on electricity.
  16. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Seven hour power outage today... how fun.
  17. DQA

    Happy Birthday to Greg/JKaizer/Koroku/Dash/Lief

    Happy Birtthhdaayy Greegg~~~ I've only really known you for less than -- what is it? Half a year-ish? Which is embarrassing considering that everyone here has known you for years. Either waay, have a greaat Birthday!
  18. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Looks more like a :║
  19. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    DATS is really dead right now... Hello?
  20. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    There's two files in taka for Robin that are corrupt :s