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  1. onkeikun

    [Japanese] Japanese 日本語!

    *copies and pastes* I answered this before in another forum. Ikou (casual) Ikimashou (formal) Ikuze (casual male): usually used by a speaker of higher or equal "status" to the listener. It's used to appeal to the listener, in a way. If you said "Ikuze," the nuance is that you're saying...
  2. onkeikun

    [Japanese] Japanese 日本語!

    I'd like to correct you here that people prefer 'yon' more. The 'shi' for the number 4 is similar to the 'shi' for 死, meaning death. Those darn Japanese and their bad-luck superstitions. 七 (nana) can also be pronounced 'shichi' but again, people prefer saying 'nana' because the 'shichi'...
  3. onkeikun

    Digimon Discography

    \o\ *gives Rayana a big You-Are-Awesome hug*
  4. onkeikun


    じゃあ、これからそうしますね。 :3 うん、アメリカ人(じん)ですよ。彼(かれ)が書いている(かいている)本(ほん)がすっごい好き(すき)なんです。特に(とくに)「Strangers」とか「The Taking」とかですね。読んだ(よんだ)ことないなら、ぜひ読んで(よんで)みてくださいよ! そうですか。まあ、単なる(たんある)質問(しつもん)で、別に(べつに)構いません(かまいません)よ。(^^;) (笑) 私の場合(ばあい)は「恩恵」でいいっすよ。く・し・ろ・よcac! ...
  5. onkeikun


    This thread alienates a lot of people, don't you think? レベルが違うと話合わないし・・・でもこのスレは確かに勉強になるかもしれないから、まぁいいか。 自己紹介はねぇ・・・えーと、私は21歳のA型女性。 ずっと「大人びているな」と言われましたけど、実際はちょっと世間知らずでのんびり屋で天然かも知れません。(笑)  好きな作家は吉本ばなな様とDean Koontz. 嫌いなものは遅っっっっっっく歩く人。お尻を蹴りたい程嫌いです。(Sなので、私が★) 今旅行から戻ってヘトヘトですから、この辺で止めます。 よろしくお願いします。...
  6. onkeikun

    Digimon Discography

    She might have made it private for some reason.
  7. onkeikun

    [korean] family names

    Ah, I'm sorry. :( aunt - go-mo (dad's side), e-mo (mom's side) [No jokes, please D: ] uncle - sam-chun (dad's side), e-mo-bu (mom's side)
  8. onkeikun

    [korean] family names

    You forgot to mention which side of the family the names come from. ;)
  9. onkeikun

    [korean] family names

    I wish I could type Korean text, but I'm still not used to the keyboard. Just pronunciation for now: Mother: uh-muh-ni (formal), umma (casual) Father: ah-buh-ji (formal), appa (casual) Older brother: o-ppa Older sister: un-nee
  10. onkeikun

    [Japanese] Translating into Japanese =)

    Yes, when used by itself as a verb, 'kureru' means to give. But when it's put after another te-form verb, it's not "to give" literally... the 'kurenai' used here is a type of construction that is only based off the original word... I'll edit this post with more sensible information later after I...
  11. onkeikun

    [Japanese] Long vowels question

    Oh, I see. Try this. Say わっ out loud and hold it. For the sake of other people reading this, I'll explain that to pronounce "wah" you have to say "what" without saying the 't' ending of that word. Say it short and quick, and hold the position your mouth makes. Notice that the back of your throat...
  12. onkeikun

    [Japanese] Long vowels question

    っ and ッ aren't really for extending a vowel, but cutting it short... I'm not sure I understand what you mean, mind telling me where you've seen that? Do you mean something like in a manga where a character would say: 勝っっっっっっっっつ!!!!! ?
  13. onkeikun

    [Japanese] Translating into Japanese =)

    Note on your sentence structure: hontou no watashi ga kimi ni wa wakaranai... ●'ga' is the subject marker that goes after the subject of this sentence (that being 'me', in this case). ●I added 'ni' before 'wa' to show contrast. It implies that s/he (the person you're talking to), of all...
  14. onkeikun

    [Japanese] Japanese 日本語!

    I could do the alphabet pronunciation, but... meh. I don't do that for free. It makes me sound like a sleaze, but I'm being honest. *shrug* There is a grammar structure where you use ちゃ, but that's perhaps too advanced at this stage to teach. It's also used in several words, such as ちゃう!...
  15. onkeikun

    [Japanese] Japanese 日本語!

    Other characters in the 'wa' column exist, but hardly anyone uses them now. They've become obsolete in the modern language. You'll still see them in old text every now and then, but I doubt the newest generation knows how to read them now. Being obsolete is also the reason why hentaigana is...