Good to know ;3 I had no idea, I just read about it / saw it was from same studio as stuffs.Death Parade is pretty good. Though I have yet to sit down and watch a full ep of it.
Good to know ;3 I had no idea, I just read about it / saw it was from same studio as stuffs.Death Parade is pretty good. Though I have yet to sit down and watch a full ep of it.
As soon as I have a legit source of income again, PS4 + Destiny are on my list of things to get.Oh well, I'mma just go back to playing Destiny.
I'm too shy/socially fail to go to a tcg store and play with people ;-;
Plus it's not as fun with strangers... I like those kind of games to be with friends ;/
A mask can't hide the fact that I'm a obese fatass. So sadly I just hide from social gatherings ;xI figured out if I wore a mask when I played I didn't have to worry about it when I'm at conventions. No one can see my face and know who I was.
If we cant play MTG together IRL, at least him 'n I can do Destiny... (when we both have it, anyway)
Hm, might be a good idea to wait a bit.Wondering if I should apply for jobs already where I'm moving.. Only problem is I don't know when friend gets back from basic training, so if I get a call for interview right away, I might be burning a bridge if I can't go to it yet ;/
I don't have a PS3 either ;(... I own a PC from 2008. That's it as far as my computery devices go. (Well, that and a iPhone)I have the PS3 version, so if you get that version we will be unable to play.
Bai gumiEither way, lunch! Will catch up with you guys later.