You and Your Digimon


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Now here's a really good question that Tcatomon made me think of. If your life did turn into a Digimon episode, would you knowingly risk your Digimon's health and fight like Rika, or try desperately to avoid confrontation like Henry?

I've always been the type to test how strong I really am, but also the type who presses his luck too often, so I'd probably get Kotemon to fight but not figure out how to Digivolve him and he'd get his butt kicked, and I'd blame myself and sulk for a week.


Active Member
I think I'll turn into someone like Ami.. >_> I suppose I'll take good care of my Digimon and not let anything hurt it. XD I'll only indulge into battles if it benefits me, I guess. :D

Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now
Hmm, I think I would let him or her fight if they wanted to, but not push them to fight or evolve like Rika or Tai did. Heck, I would probablly pull them out of battle and run if things looked too bad. Hey, if I finnaly get a Digimon, I wanna make sure I have him for a long time!


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
I'd probably trust their judgment and support them any way I could. So if they decided to run, we'd run, but if they stood their ground and fought, I'd do my best to help them get succeed with as little damage as possible.


Yes, Master!
If there was a reason to fight, me and my digimon would fight. Especially if there was that whole "Only you can save the world" kind of deal going on. I would make sure that the two of us trained well though, learning to fight and communicate so that we don't wind up getting killed immediately. A lot of digimon do live to fight, so maybe keeping them out of one would make them feel less fulfilled.

I would not, however, push my digimon into doing something impossible or insane. Just like a leader shouldn't order his subordinates to do something he would not be willing to do himself, I would not carelessly throw my digimon's life on the line. I would want to act as if my safety was dependent on his and that if he needed help, I would either pull him out or rush in to help him myself. That would also take a lot of learning and training on my part.

Frozen Twins

New Member
Ohhh... this question hits me right hard on the core. I'm one of the crazies, who's invented two digimon of there own with personalities. I'm not saying that this is the kind of digimon I would have, but it's definitely what I would want. We've got two aspects of life that I would imagine would help me. On one side we have Betamon X, who's had a rough life and is trying to repent of a major sin. He's got this kind of Do whatever I want attitude, but would be willing to be his life on the line for a second.

This is kind of somebody who I think would be great fun, just because I would have a hard time controlling him, and he would know what the limits are on how far to bend the rules.

In complete contrast to him, is Gomamon, the follow the rules major hacker. He's quite a contrast to Betamon, and is easier to deal with. Mainly because he doesn't brake the rules as often, but when he does, he may go more overboard then Betamon X.

Both are just characters that have come onto the net, but still, they would be my digimon.


Kaizer kun
I would like mine to be like Rika/Touma's except more talkative i really dont
like silence all that much and prefer listening to conversations rather than having one an obediant digimon that talks calmly is what i'd like even though choosing one digimon Id like to have as my own would be tough lopmon veemon gatomon and this dragon digimon ive seen i dont know its name but i bought digimon savers the movie off ebay and it was the back drop a really musclely red stipped dragon digimon but i still dont know its name i'll have to ask my sis if i can borrow her digital camera so i can put a pic up


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
kaizer said:
this dragon digimon ive seen i dont know its name but i bought digimon savers the movie off ebay and it was the back drop a really musclely red stipped dragon digimon but i still dont know its name
The backdrop of the cover? That's ShineGreymon Burst Mode.


Kaizer kun
I thought that but it isnt it might be from chronicle or something
because it was never shown in the anime and it doesnt have any armour
apart from the mask on its face and I forgot to mention its skin is mainly
black I really have to borrow my sisters digi camera.....


Kaizer kun
nope I got mine off ebay when you load the dvd its the back drop on the disk menu hopefully my sis will remember her camera tomorow


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Do you have a DVD-ROM on your computer? When you play a DVD on Windows Media Player, you can hit Ctrl-I and take a screenshot.