Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
@Dash : It may or may not work depending on how long it takes for shit to propagate, but http://takatomon.net -- Got it again, just cause.

For now it's just forwarding to dats.us. I'm not sure what you may want to use it for since I had to kill the download mirror thingy (still feel bad about that... Finances have been shit p.q) But yeah... I can edit DNS crap to point to w/e, and or try to transfer it to an account for you to use. (Since my PayPal account is #@!$ed, I can't load my registrar account anymore, so I got it with "Omnis" for now. The control panel there is simple, they're who I used to use back in the day.) -- I'd offer to host shit again too, but, I honestly don't know how long I'll have a server for this time... I'm hoping indefinitely, but, my life's unpredictable, Mark's life's unpredictable (I've had to help him financially a few times ;x -- We've both been homeless this year.) Soo... Yeah. I don't want to offer to do something without "stability", or I would.


Staff member
I actually had guessed that he sucked in Australia, and that that was the reason he left. So..... I win. And I think him getting dropped from the relay was rational. The captain wants the team to win, and work together. But Rin clearly wasn't.
Yeah, but how is that going to impact the story. Ahgh