Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!


'Gumi's Test Account
I only use Firefox on the school computers because Chrome is not consistently installed on all the computers.


'Gumi's Test Account
Most computers have both, but it's easier to open Firefox into straight private window than Chrome (by setting it as perma-private).


'Gumi's Test Account
Actually, it's mainly the actual university computers that don't have Chrome.

Or well they do, but it's remotely booted which makes it atrocious to use.


'Gumi's Test Account
I'm now mostly on engineering computers... and most of them have both installed (outdated by more than a year at this point though). Heck, even the ESR Firefox they had installed was outdated.


'Gumi's Test Account
And the ME computers that are on the independent ME system (as opposed to the overall engineering system) only ever has Chrome, anyway. Or I just never bothered looking for Firefox. Those are somehow automatically set to open incognito windows somehow. I need to figure that out.


'Gumi's Test Account
But things occasionally break on up-to-date websites because of how outdated both Chrome and Firefox are on the engineering computers.


'Gumi's Test Account
Sure I'm running Firefox Developer off of my network drive, and I have to frequently redownload it to update it, but it's sure as hell more up-to-date than what's installed.


'Gumi's Test Account
And because I'm also storing my profile on the same network drive, I don't have to constantly go private. 8D

(though the installed firefox also stores the profile somewhere to my account, but I just don't know where)


'Gumi's Test Account
Firefox ESR 38.0.1 is what's installed on this computer. MAY 2015. Not as bad,

The actual version varies from computer to computer (haha so glad that profiles are compatible across most versions). Some of them are older, depending on if you hit a bad one.

Though the current ESR is 38.3.0.


'Gumi's Test Account
Chrome is similar. It's a hit or miss of how updated it is, but the most recent version is probs also from May.

Updates are also disabled.