Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Also, pretty used to my keyboard now, and I love the RGB color shits. Got most of my keys cyan, F keys / num pad function keys red. (Numbers are cyan) Macro keys are normal blue. The logo, escape key, and page-up/down, insert and delete keys are green. Oh, and WASD and arrow keys I made blue >;D.. I might change it around, but for now I likey ;3...


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Oh, and I love on the spot macro recording xD Plus having 3 profiles of 9... 27 on-the-fly macro keys ;3... I'll never need 'em all, but <3 anyway.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
;( I guess.. I just don't like the interface 'n stuff... Having to press continue, the "Skip Attack" button showing up where continue normally is (I keep accidentally doing it ;/) the hair-pullingly long "tutorial" to be able to build a deck/play. To me, the fun in Magic is building a deck, and trying out your strats/cards/etc. Playing with cards you give 0 fucks about and just waiting makes me go ADD mode... I literally got pissed off and alt f4'd the last time I tried to play x_X Eventually maybe I'll get there, cause I do wanna try it out, but mehr... My lifes in too much chaos atm I guess for me to focus without rage.

You can disable combat animations and some other stuff under settings, might help with speeding it up.

I am used to really fucking long style multiplayer MtG matches, so honestly this is really fast to me.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Jace's deck is fucking agonizing to play though early on....



Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
This is why I don't like Stainless Games....

They really can't into good story match ups....


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
It's not gonna kill the game, just it's infuriating they still can't make fair match ups.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
;/ le sigh. I wish I had enough... calm in me to play some more of it, but I can barely sit still as it is right now... Honestly contemplating admitting myself to a loony bin... Gotta love emotional issues on top of a unstable life from a unstable person.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
(oh, in case I haven't mentioned it, huge fight with ... "ex" and 99.99% chance it's over for good. So no Oregon, no happy life, all that shits gone from potentials)


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
I already beat my Hearthstone dailies... Sick of WoW. Sick of MC solo... My best friend is on summer vacation, but, he has crappy internet / no free time to do things. My other best friend plays WoW with me, but we're both kind of bored of it, so, meh... Need more anime I guess >;x