You must really think Ryan's hand is sexy if you triple posted about it.
Get it while you are in Japan! And rip it there and we will be the first to release in BD!We should just do Origins BD when it comes out in December.
That would give us more time to make sure everything is quality. ouoWe should just do Origins BD when it comes out in December.
Think so...That would give us more time to make sure everything is quality. ouo
And that would remove the need to TL that preview for XY as well.
I need to edit 03 and 04 before Ryan gets to those.
02 is ready for Ryan?
I can help some... but not much because my commitment had been on the increasing trend...jason can't pay his share and so i'm ending up paying both of our halves every month.
i'm going to go more broke than i already am.
There is a guide linked some pages back about that.Is it possible to shiny chain with fishing?
Ah, thanks.There is a guide linked some pages back about that.