Might disappear for a while again. Mind is... Slipping. Aside from that, may not be able to afford internet, that of course assuming I even have a place to live? Regardless of what happens / where I end up, other stuff... So yeah. Might not be here o_o. I might be on later today though... So....Dunno... Just saying, if I do disappear, it's... Meh...
This message is pointless. Move along. Off to be not-here for 6 hours while the landlord shows place to people!... The time I normally sleep for work! (Which I
do work tonight...) I'm-a probably be totally fucking dead when I get out

... So yeah... Unable to sleep. Already been awake for 12 hours. Not going to be able to sleep again before work, which starts in... 13 hours? So by time I get out of work I'll have been up for... *counts on fingers* 36 hours?