And just play without 3D. >_>;
Well, I never found that. D:
Yeah.Isn´t the 3DS´s 3D effect said to be bad for the eyes.....?
/lazy/ Don't want to go back.Hint: 1 post is something similiar to "Cake"~ xP
>_>;;; Hinges on those things break all the time.
I played on my friend's 3DS today. He had that Street Fight game. The graphics is definitely an improvement, but the 3D makes me nauseous. Still am from it. >_>;
Eh... L and R? Mine don't work on the one with the broken hinges, mainly due to it going through the mail without much padding. They work on my newer one.My hinges are still mostly intact. My shoulder buttons don't work, which makes it impossible to play my favorite games. Except Phantom Hourglass, in which not having the shoulder buttons is only an inconvenience.
Yeah/Then again, that doesn't account for the production costs, the research that went into it, and the marketing, so I guess that's a pretty reasonable price.
I'm still going to wait, sadly.Meh, still getting a 3DS. Probably today or tomorrow. I don't think it'll drop it's price by summer, when the games I want come out.
Can't really justify buying one right now.