...what happened to Pages?

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Staff member
And Futa, life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to. Actually, usually, it turns out the way you don't want it to. Life, especially after schooling, is no longer a game, no longer something "fun". What is considered adult freedom is actually the burdens of responsibility. As humans, as living creatures, we just have to adapt, as survival, in the end, is still a natural instinct of the body. You can let your imagination go wild. It's alright to be illogical at times, but it's also important to remember that you are living in real life and that you have to carry the burdens of what real life holds.

And as Kaitou said, conflicts is a natural occurrence in life. I'm sure your sister doesn't mind being in the middleman. She is your sister after all. Siblings are there for a reason. Sometimes, the parent and the child just don't mingle well with each other. The sibling is then there, not only to serve as the middleman, but also as a counselor. Despite the fact that she has her own burdens, I believe that she cares about you just as much as she cares about the rest of her family and herself. If you said to tell your father to not contact you till the New Years, then so be it. Take that off your mind for the time being. You have two months. Things are bound to turn in those two months, only if you believe so. Don't worry about it. Worry about other things. Take things that aren't important off your list. Destroy that list in your signature if it stresses you out too much. You are not obligated to work for DATS. If things get too rough and a break is necessary, then take that break, because you need it.

You have to believe to survive. If you believe that you will perish, then you will. If you believe that you will survive, you then have the chance to change that fate of yours. Take life at face value. If you are wasting yourself away and acknowledge that, you might as well say you have given up on life. However, I believe you don't want to just give up. I believe you won't be bound the ground just because you got tripped by an unusually large rock. This may sound corny, but if you find it hard on your own, then "believe in me who believes in you". You have friends. You aren't alone in this world. You aren't the only one facing life.

I hope you had a good night of sleep last night, and I hope that you have settled down, even if the tiniest bit. Sorry if my giant rant makes little to no sense. I don't mean to hurt you in anyway, so I apologize if I offend you in any way. I simply wanted to throw my two cents in.


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
And Futa, life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to. Actually, usually, it turns out the way you don't want it to. Life, especially after schooling, is no longer a game, no longer something "fun". What is considered adult freedom is actually the burdens of responsibility. As humans, as living creatures, we just have to adapt, as survival, in the end, is still a natural instinct of the body. You can let your imagination go wild. It's alright to be illogical at times, but it's also important to remember that you are living in real life and that you have to carry the burdens of what real life holds.

And as Kaitou said, conflicts is a natural occurrence in life. I'm sure your sister doesn't mind being in the middleman. She is your sister after all. Siblings are there for a reason. Sometimes, the parent and the child just don't mingle well with each other. The sibling is then there, not only to serve as the middleman, but also as a counselor. Despite the fact that she has her own burdens, I believe that she cares about you just as much as she cares about the rest of her family and herself. If you said to tell your father to not contact you till the New Years, then so be it. Take that off your mind for the time being. You have two months. Things are bound to turn in those two months, only if you believe so. Don't worry about it. Worry about other things. Take things that aren't important off your list. Destroy that list in your signature if it stresses you out too much. You are not obligated to work for DATS. If things get too rough and a break is necessary, then take that break, because you need it.

You have to believe to survive. If you believe that you will perish, then you will. If you believe that you will survive, you then have the chance to change that fate of yours. Take life at face value. If you are wasting yourself away and acknowledge that, you might as well say you have given up on life. However, I believe you don't want to just give up. I believe you won't be bound the ground just because you got tripped by an unusually large rock. This may sound corny, but if you find it hard on your own, then "believe in me who believes in you". You have friends. You aren't alone in this world. You aren't the only one facing life.

I hope you had a good night of sleep last night, and I hope that you have settled down, even if the tiniest bit. Sorry if my giant rant makes little to no sense. I don't mean to hurt you in anyway, so I apologize if I offend you in any way. I simply wanted to throw my two cents in.



A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
Just that I don't like him throwing such insensitive word at me. It's just a small matter, but I liked it big... :p


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
I've telling him countless times that I don't like him asking me to do this and that...
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