What Digi do you see the poster above you with?


uhh, well I guess I could say that I could see jadenik with a Agumon or a Lucemon. lol, that was easy. :p


AMV Freak
Hmm this looks like fun....er...uh......XD Renamon for PrimoPiccolo (Renamon avy XDDD)

Man, makes me realize I dont know many people here....I need to post more ;_; XD


New Member
As if your avatar didn't make it hard enough...I would say ...perhaps...maybe a Raremon for Ingrimm? ^_^

J/K you get a Raramon.


Yes, Master!
I was going to say Elecmon for Elecmon, but your title changed my mind. You get Lopmon, because he is 'floppy ears' embodied right down to his name.


Hearts Beywiki
Johnzaloog;19190 said:
Vandemon, kinda obvious.

You mean 'Vamdemon'?

I see you(Johnzaloog--Vande posted when I was posting :p) with...Kyubimon. Don't know why. :confused: (again)

And for Vande, yeah, Vamdemon. You're officially partnered with him, anyway. :D


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
Yuki2;19192 said:
You mean 'Vamdemon'?
I see you with...Kyubimon. Don't know why. :confused: (again)

It can be either Vamdemon or his Romaji name of Vandemon.


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
Yuki2;19192 said:
You mean 'Vamdemon'?

I see you(Johnzaloog--Vande posted when I was posting :p) with...Kyubimon. Don't know why. :confused: (again)

And for Vande, yeah, Vamdemon. You're officially partnered with him, anyway. :D

Cool, thanks. I kinda like Renamon and her evos.