Types of books you read


Red Ramen Ranger
i going to run out of authors soon. once harry potter done im going to need some more books to keep me busy.
read redwall, pendragon by D.J Mac Hale and waiting for book 9 , the Bartimaeus Trilogy, waiting for the next eragon book. read deltora books Narnia. lord of the rings.

any one got a good suggestion for me to read. need more books.


Hmm... I'll read just about anything really, but my main interest is Fantasy. Absolutely LOVE fantasy. Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Wheel of Time, Pyromancer series, Riverworld, Dragonrealm, Lord of the Rings, Discworld, the Temeraire series...

One I don't particularly like though (And I know some people might frown at this) is Narnia.

Gothic/Horror, like Poe and Lovecraft or the Castle of Otranto comes a close second.

As for Classics... they all have their points, I guess it depends on when and how and why you read them.