Starting Over


Active Member
I didn't expect this to happen at all. It was like, a few days ago, I couldn't access DATS forums or any DATS sites..and it lasted for quite a while. And today, I came back to check. POOF! It has crashed and gone. Well, at least it's still building up again!

MugenSeiRyuu Redux

Savers Girls Fanboy
Oh, nice DATS is back !

( If you wonder about the Redux in my name, I registred with my old name, but accidently deleted the Required E-Mail. )


Little Random Irony
*Actually after 167 people/bots*

Umm... I'm uploading Manga now and will do some Anime later since I dunno how the Distro team/torrents are doing ^_^"


Title for Rent
I'm back as well, just thought that I'd switch over from Kaeri to Psyren, since it's my most used user-name now.

I've also got most if not all of the fonts we were using and a few extra files (mostly QC-stuff), so if it's needed, just let me know and I'll upload it.

Hopefully, this'll all be behind us soon and we'll get back to normalcy...and releases again.


THE all-high-and-mighty
Himi-chan;269 said:
Okay now? Sure looks like it. For good? Doubt it - DATS seems too chaotic for that ;)

Even if that, we all love DATS too much to let it go.


Little Random Irony
Kage;319 said:
we all love DATS too much to let it go.
Agreed. If we didn't, afterall, then we'd just leave when the chaos starts. (Or when the server crashes, for the more tolerant.)


Yes, Master!
Woah, I was wondering what happened here. Man, it's all gone? Well I'm glad to see that the forum isn't dead now. DATS survived Kurata's attack, so I know we can pull through this one too. :cool: