If you go often, you might.Good quality and a good fit? Never gonna find it.
If you go often, you might.Good quality and a good fit? Never gonna find it.
Yeah...It's... a game?
I slept great, thanks.sleep tight
The answer is *censored*!
Why I know?
I´m Psychic!
Hm, oh yeah. All the people who have traded with me with Voice Chat on know my voice. oAo That's like Volt and Matze. xD And maybe Yahiko? Or did I turn off Voice Chat the one time I traded with her?(and because I traded Pokémon with megumi while voice chat was on* xP")
Like I have time to go often...If you go often, you might.
Cureを見ていたら素敵さまを見つけてしまったのでお声かけしにきてしまいました [When I see Cure (whatever it is), it was wonderful thus I contacted you. お声かけしにきて = come and greet you]Ehhh
いきなりすみません Sorry for the sudden message.
Cureを見ていたら素敵さまを見つけてしまったのでお声かけしにきてしまいました [I have no fucking clue, has something with finding a wonderful person while surfing on Cure, and something about about a voice. NOPE.]
よかったらフレンドお願いしたいです If it's fine with you, I wish to ask you to be my Friend.
もし不信感ありましたらお気に入りに登録させていただきお邪魔させていただきますのでよろしくお願いします However, if you don't trust me, [not sure of the rest but guessingI hope you don't mind me adding you to my favorites.
orz Ask Futa.
i'd rather get lucky in other waysOr you can go rarely and be lucky.
Yeah, I guess.i'd rather get lucky in other ways
if ya get what i mean
NOPENow, can I get a third double post in a row by accident?
Oh crap. I was going to say something, but I think I forgot to. Sorry, blade. orzSo either everyone missed my post about falling down the stairs, or no one cares. My foot is in pain and walking is a lot more painful than it use to be when I first hurt it.
Stairs, my one weakness.
Hm, it's not for me?Also, Dats seems to be derping a lot for me.