I just remember it as being boobs and butts and fanservice. Might be due to the friend of mine that watched it at the same time I did who had to emphasize all that since I usually won't notice on my own. Especially considering I didn't notice this time.

I actually enjoy it now.
That said, that friend is like a old perverted man sometimes. <<;
That said, I haven't talked to her in YEARS.
I maybe talk to her once every two years when we somehow see each other online on GTalk.
But I don't even think I have her current email. She changes gmail so often.

Last time, I was just lucky that she logged onto her old gmail.
I'm not sure if I even have her current one.
I've known her since kindergarten. But she moved at the end of 7th grade, with like a bunch of other friends. So then, the only contact I had with her was through email.
...and now, I don't even have that. xD She just fell off the face of the planet from my perspective.