September 11, 2010
We got an encoder.
Deltora Quest
15 has encode. Needs to be typeset.
16-18 are edited, timed, and TLCed. Waiting on encodes.
19-65 are at editing/TLC/encodes.
^ manga
Is back to being dead
Waiting on Alt for MOAR tls\
15-17 are TLed, in need of some love
18-25 (only 7 more eps!) need TLs.
Ep1 is almost done =o=
Various OVAs / Short Things
Mushrambo Movie:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc - upload dvdiso (that's waiting on me)
Yurumates:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kawa no Hikari: tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Shizuru has been busy with life and only does this when she's bored)
Hen Zemi:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kanokon 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Kanokon 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Twin Angel 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Twin Angel 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Quiz Magic Academy 1:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (qc is mostly done)
Quiz Magic Academy 2:tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc
Chocolate Underground Movie: requires luv from ryan
Class 5-2 / Marie & Gali
Require [energy]
Wanna HELP?!?!?
We REALLY need Quality Checkers. Like right now!!!!!
[small]Wow, not much changed...[/small]
We got an encoder.
Deltora Quest
15 has encode. Needs to be typeset.
16-18 are edited, timed, and TLCed. Waiting on encodes.
19-65 are at editing/TLC/encodes.
^ manga
Is back to being dead
Waiting on Alt for MOAR tls\
15-17 are TLed, in need of some love
18-25 (only 7 more eps!) need TLs.
Ep1 is almost done =o=
Various OVAs / Short Things
Mushrambo Movie:
Kawa no Hikari: tl - edit - tlc - timing - typesetting - encode - qc (Shizuru has been busy with life and only does this when she's bored)
Hen Zemi:
Kanokon 1:
Kanokon 2:
Twin Angel 1:
Twin Angel 2:
Quiz Magic Academy 1:
Quiz Magic Academy 2:
Chocolate Underground Movie: requires luv from ryan
Class 5-2 / Marie & Gali
Require [energy]
Wanna HELP?!?!?
We REALLY need Quality Checkers. Like right now!!!!!
[small]Wow, not much changed...[/small]