Rockman.exe Stream english subs request

Thats a major bummer, cause apparently Hi-C wont be finishing it and WPP doesnt appear to be subbing the series anymore either, which I understand. Life can become pretty busy as its been for me and everyone else.


New Member
They did only 25? Oo
Actually, to be more precise, one group did the first 4 and then dropped it(with others only doing the first 2), and then HI-C did episodes 5-25(but 25 was only a transcript) and then dropped it. Irregular Hunter started with 25(since HI-C already transcripted it) and now they are working on 26. All this occurred over the span of the past 5 years. The series came out in 2004(about 9 years ago).


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
Hmm, I should just put out what we have of everything.


New Member
A year ago I dropped all hope of it getting subbed. watched anime for the first time in ages cuz im sick and found that shit subbed on a website. life is good


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
It's such a huge undertaking and no one wants to translate that shit. (from Japanese)


New Member
It's such a huge undertaking and no one wants to translate that shit. (from Japanese)

This is what's been the biggest let down, I've been trying to push IHP along trying to help but sadly there is almost NO ONE willing to translate this series...
The only people I've managed to help us are either busy and can't really do much or aren't necessarily "qualified" translators but I welcome their help anyway.

Hopefully we can get something out eventually.


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
You can find people up for a 12 episode or something, but anything beyond that is hopeless nowadays.


IHP Translator
IHP's translators aren't the best, admittedly. From what I've heard, there's one Japanese translator who's passed up to JLPT N2, there's one Chinese translator that I haven't heard much about, and then there's me (I only know Chinese.)

Apparently the Japanese translator is working on the old Hi-C subs, while the other Chinese translator and I are working on 26 and beyond using... (Wait for it...) Traditional Chinese subs! D: NOT IDEAL AT ALL, but what can we do without an awesome Japanese translator?

Based on the progress made before I started, I have to assume that the other translator must be very... busy.

Sadly, I don't have the most faith in my translations, but I'm halfway through 26 in two days when there wasn't visible translation progress in the two months after 25 was released.

Anyways, I have high hopes for IHP, and it seems like things are progressing a lot faster now than in October or November.

Barring any... unforseen circumstances, I should be able to translate the rest of Stream and maybe some of Beast+, assuming there is Chinese material.


Staff member
Note, the translators we have here... I don't think have passed any of the proficiency tests. I used to translate from Chinese subs (we try our best to track down simplified), but now have moved on??


IHP Translator
Well that makes me feel a bit better. I keep having to look up the simplified characters, which is annoying. (Google Translate handwriting recognition helps...)


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
What we did was have a Chinese translator do the main episode, and have a Japanese one check it. We've fuddled our way through half the series that way.

BTW, we have Beast+ scripts for the entire series. I'll put those out sometime.


IHP Translator
Whoa. Legitimate English Beast+ scripts or Japanese scripts? Either one would be incredibly helpful.

Also, the method you described is exactly what IHP's doing. I'm translating from traditional Chinese subs, and Japanese translators are doing TLC.


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
All English, with a majority having some sort of Japanese TLC included.

It's one of those things that we have almost done, but never get around to actually getting done. One of the major pitfalls is, believe it or not, encoding. We never seem to get a "final" encode...


a Rockman-fan, alias: wakabayashi, EruPii
If you have trouble with encoding, I can help out with it. Since I released the first DVD-Rips of Rockman.EXE Stream (under EruPii-Raws), I guess I've improved a bit. What is the main reason you never seem to get that certain "final" encode, Dash?


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
Because one person does episodes 1-x and then stops and then another starts with episode 1 and does through x and someone always sees something wrong with it, and then we start alllllllllllll over...


IHP Translator
...That's part of the reason why we're going through the episodes one at a time. (And having clear division of translation responsibilities; e.g. splitting even/odd) (Although I fail to see how having something wrong somewhere would force you to start "alllllllllllll" over.)

Also, AT&T doesn't want to route to Eru-Pii Raws, which makes it harder for me to obtain Stream's raws. :| One of AT&T's routing servers doesn't like the range of IP addresses.


a Rockman-fan, alias: wakabayashi, EruPii
Haha, my raws, huh? They're available on torrent and on MEGA. Here you are, hope they'll be useful.
Anyway, the audio is not completely matching to the video track. It needs a +100 ms offset or something.