pawitp's RP (2)


Eternal V-mon lover!
Patamon: I can't move??? Wouldn't that be painful??? Why can't I move, pitty? Are there bad guys out there? Why can't I show myself?

-Explain in your own words-


Tech Admin
Staff member
You can't just go out like this. People will be scared if they see a real digimon and maybe they'll capture you.


Eternal V-mon lover!
Patamon: But...

pitty: Either you stay here or you follow me as a doll.

Patamon: Aww...

pitty: Well?

Patamon: Okay... I'll follow you...

-He jumped to your head.-

Patamon: I'll try not to make a sound...

-You went out of your room. Coincidentally, one of maids passed by.-

Maid: Ah, sir... good morning.

pitty: G-Good morning...

Maid: Uhh... what a cute hat...

pitty: Uh...! H-Hat? Yeah...

Maid: Can I touch it? Looks fuzzy.

-Explain your actions in your own words-


Eternal V-mon lover!
Maid: Wait...! Where are you going, sir???

-Suddenly, she began to grow sharp nails and attempted to slash you.-

Patamon: Watch out!

-Patamon jumped from your head and took the hit.-

Patamon: Ah!

pitty: Patamon!

Patamon: Are you okay, pitty?

-The scratch marks on his body was bleeding-

Maid: YoU FoOl!

Patamon: Don't you harm my partner!

-She then trnasformed to a Bakemon-

Patamon: Bakemon!

Bakemon: I'll kill you!

-Please distribute 25 stat points for Patamon-


Eternal V-mon lover!
-Also, please distribute 5 skill points for Patamon-

Level 1 Air Shot (MAX LV 10)
Description: Patamon collects air in his mouth and blows it to your opponent!

Level 1 Wing Beat (MAX LV 10)
Description: Patamon rushes to one of your opponent and hits it using his wings.


Eternal V-mon lover!
-New RP addition-

Some Digimon have an extra ability in them. Use it to your advantage. These abilities will help to boost up Patamon's skills. The more Patamon grows, the more his Light Aura will grow, leading to more new abilities.-

Step 1

Skill -> Air Shot

Step 2

Light Aura

Step 3

Air Shot + Light Aura = Holy Shot.
Description: Patamon unleashes a vacuum air shot infused with light powers. +10% chance of BLIND for each +LV for Air Shot.

-Light Aura can be used to combo with other skills as well, it's not only limited to Air Shot. Because Light Aura uses a lot of Patamon's energy, be sure to only use when you need it!-

-Are you ready to start the battle?-