[02:03] <Nyarumi> 26 is dooone!
[02:05] <Nyarumi> posted.
Saru GetCHU Season 1 is now completely translated.
After years of work, we're finally getting somewhere ;o;
...Now for season 2! MWAH~
Everyone give Nyarumi a round of applause for getting through the series that killed off more translators than I can count o/

[02:03] <Nyarumi> 26 is dooone!

[02:05] <Nyarumi> posted.
Saru GetCHU Season 1 is now completely translated.
After years of work, we're finally getting somewhere ;o;
...Now for season 2! MWAH~
Everyone give Nyarumi a round of applause for getting through the series that killed off more translators than I can count o/