Vande;9868 said:
The change the bloody layout then in your usercp setting and stop bitching, it isn't like new skins were not mentioned.
Now this is not a bitch thread it is a CONSTRUCTIVE thread and not a single word in your post was constructive (and nor do i appreciate my site being brought into this)
We advertise through our work - YOU pay for our advertising on google etc then if you want it, we fork out enough of our own money already.
We do have real lives, jobs, school, college etc, we do what we can when we can.
You must have problems with attacking me..... This is a thread discussing what you guys need to do in order to stay alive and such which you have stated in your.......angry post. I have fulfilled my part of being a member by expressing my views and opinions on what I think you guys need in order to stay alive and be a good part of the Digimon community.
I brought your site into this because I am comparing your site with DATS as the layout for DigitalStarLight is better than DATS's. That is the only reason why. I can see if you are angry at me for bad mouthing your. And every word I said in my post was constructive, you just failed to see it after you saw me bad mouthing your site.
I do not look at every damn post the Admins or Mods post. I do not have time for fooling around with looking at threads with posts that I think seem pointless. I didn't see any thread regarding new themes for the DATS forum which could be that pointless thread with posts I talked about. I know you will go find all threads URLs and post them here making me look like an ass, so don't bother as I have already done so by saying that there hasn't been any new themes for DATS's forum.
As far as the advertising. I brought it up because if you want more people to join as members and so forth to see DATS's fansubs or forums or what ever it maybe, then that will be a good way. Google and Ask advertising were only suggestions. I know they cost money and I know that because I have looked into it my self for certain things. When talking about advertising, I was aiming for affiliating and the TOP 50 things other Digimon sites do.
You guys do have work, school and lives. I myself am still going to school and I do what I can for my site, and I see that you are doing what you can for DATS, but there is no reason to bite my damn head off over something I said because you don't think my post was "inconstructive". I was merly adding to the suggestions being said in this thread and that is what the thread is about, it's
NOT to be about a post being constructive.
Now that you have made me spam in a thread that didn't need it over your stupid post calling my post inconstructive, I will go to a thread where a member or so called "Admin"(you), will not bug me with annoying remarks regarding the inconstructiveness of my post.
Good day,