Matze149's Birthday~


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
Matze149's Birthday~

Happy Birthday Matze~ I know it seems bad today, but you still have a lot of people on here who care~ I'll make you something in Photoshop as a present. So go ahead and ask~


Translator, empty...
X___X I'm LATE!!! xD *couldn't open the forums yesterday-died?*

Happy birthday Matze! :D

:) Hmm, I can't DRAW but maybe you can ask me to translate something from jap>? hehe ;)

not too long though lmao!!! :rolleyes:


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Thanks everybody~ ^^

Warrock6690;106881 said:
Hmm, I can't DRAW but maybe you can ask me to translate something from jap>? hehe ;)

not too long though lmao!!! :rolleyes:

Thanks, is a song text okay~? ^^