Lost my phone ;_;


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
Lost my phone ;_;

So sometime between Saturday and today, I have managed to lose my phone.

It's not at work.

It's not in my room.

It's not in the living room, or the family room.

It's not in my car.

It's not at the Burger King I went to.



THE all-high-and-mighty
If you can't find it later, maybe you should call to cancel that phone's service. (in case it's stolen and someone's racking up calls)


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
That's too bad... Better take care of your things...
Did you ring it? And have somebody picked up?
But I have met somebody who lost 3 phones in 2 years time...


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
The phone's battery is dead, so I can't call it :(

And I've been keeping track of the stats on T-Mobile's site... no one has used any minutes so far. :s


New Member
Oops, that's too bad for you, Greg
I agree on what Kage said
And i hope you can buy a new one, and make sure you keep your things next time


Staff member
You sure you checked everywhere?

Check your pockets... of your pants/shorts. It might be in a pile of dirty clothes for all you know. >_>


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
So here's the story :-O

I left it at work on Saturday by accident, and both Phil and Tom saw it. They left it sitting on the back counter when they closed.

I opened Sunday, and it was obviously not there.

So, between closing on Saturday and opening on Sunday, the gremlins took my phone.

Interesting thing... my phone is not the first thing to be taken by gremlins. (All my bosses are now upstairs... discussing what, I do not know)


<span style="color: deeppink;"><strong>#1 Subaru ♥
I wonder where it went :/ Did you try looking around there? Maybe something knocked the phone over.


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
There is nothing to knock the phone over with.


Maintence and Public Safety are the only ones taht would have been in the VC area before I was... it's not a pleasing thought.


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
All my numbers are on it...

But the good thing is that it's dead, and it has a really obscure charger (I have NEVER seen any other phone with it...! And it was super expensive to get a fucking car charger) so it's pretty much useless. lawl

I've ordered a new phone... no clue when it'll come ;/