I think I see a minor problem here. Ryan, do you realize what I changed it from? Right now for everything we just have simple lists of releases. For example, look at the Tsubasa page, which can be found
here/url]. All I have done is added some more information.
Scar;61393 said:
But seriously... say once we finish something like Tamers, which will have two releases each, totaling over 100 different files.... how long is that list going to be?
Pretty long, but I think it would be much more readable than it would be with our current set-up. The whole point is to improve readability and the ability to find something.
Take for instance, [url=http
/dats.us/portal/?page=projects/sub/savers]Savers. The way it currently is, by release date, we get somewhat screwy...
[DATS] Digimon Savers - 18 [x264][FE022BF6].avi (November 11, 2006)
[DATS] Digimon Savers - 22 [XviD][0A6A3846].avi (November 16, 2006)
[DATS] Digimon Savers - 23 [XviD][5D0FBD4E].avi (November 21, 2006)
[DATS] Digimon Savers - 19 [x264][E20E3E84].avi (November 23, 2006)
[DATS] Digimon Savers - 20 [x264][260CB70F].avi (November 28, 2006)
[DATS] Digimon Savers - 24 [XviD][D8B2ABAC].avi (November 28, 2006)
[DATS] Digimon Savers - 21 [x264][33EC54BC].avi (November 28, 2006)
Trying to find a certain episode in that list is nearly impossible. It's easier towards the end, when we released side by side, but during the middle, it's impossible to navigate.
Scar;61393 said:
For JE we have only released 16 different files minus the SD h264... and the page is already decently big.
The page was already pretty big before the changes.
Scar;61393 said:
And also about the air date... what are you going to put for shows like OLD ANIME or such.
It's easily changed to "DVD Release Date". Also, for stuff like Tamers, DQ, whatnot, that we are doing from DVD source, I can put DVD Release Date as
well as Original Air Date.
Scar;61393 said:
Also with this new version, it removed the staff credits. And yes, I know the forum topics had them, but the old version had both staff and forum topic.
You're thinking to the REALLY REALLY REALLY old site, the one that never worked properly. It was determined quite a while ago that having html mirrors of the release topics was completely absurd and unneeded. Right now, all the current pages do is link to the release topic.
Scar;61393 said:
Hell, we don't even have a real staff page. You just link to the page that lists everyone with different masks or what not.
I at one time did have a staff page, but it's kinda hard to keep up to date when we have staff that change their names every other week, staff that quit and rejoin every other day, and staff that I don't even know personally.
If someone wants to try and build a staff page, listing all current and old staff and whatnot, feel free. I don't have the time, and quite honestly, the memory to do something like that.
Scar;61393 said:
Yuumei;61397 said:
I think the new one looks pretty neat! I like it better.
Yuumei;61397 said:
I'm not a fan of the dashed table border though...
I wanted something other than a solid white line... so it was either dashed or dotted. *not a great graphics artist*
megumi;61402 said:
Hmm, even though the new one does look better, but I think Scar does have a point there.
Regarding...? He brought up like two billion points. >_>