Hi, I'm using this post to ask some questions about the Juushin Enbu's project.
To start it seem to me that's the only High Definition fansub of this series, and this is a great plus for me.
I still have not viewed an episode of this release (downloading now) but it should the best possible way to see this anime.
I really hope that the project would boost up in speed as it seem to me that's the most interesting one shared by your group (personal opinion

As I'd downloaded some of the episodes I'll post my opinion but I thanks you in advance for the good work, please don't let die this series!
To my eyes dropping the H264 SD release is OK, even the other SD release could die (there are other group fansubbing, Kuroneko if I remember correctly) but the 1280x720 is too great to my eyes to let her die.