If you are Hikari Netto or his navi Rockman

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Resident RockxNetto Fan
Role;98640 said:
They're not immortal, silly. They have to die of old age at some point. And their lives, of course, will be long and lonely, right up to their deaths. Thus, long and lonely deaths.

But, if the boys all have each others, then they are not lonely, now are they?



Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
IIRC, he guy said he won't do yaoi, so it's long lonely death. They don't get each other.


Gurren Brigade Member
Role;98640 said:
They're not immortal, silly. They have to die of old age at some point. And their lives, of course, will be long and lonely, right up to their deaths. Thus, long and lonely deaths.

I meant what if they don't die in the story... ¬_¬


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Zodiac;99168 said:
I meant what if they don't die in the story... ¬_¬
I never said anything about the story. Heck, you don't even have to include them in the story, either...

Even if they don't die in the story, they should still be shunned by the girls.


Resident RockxNetto Fan
Role;99235 said:
I never said anything about the story. Heck, you don't even have to include them in the story, either...

Even if they don't die in the story, they should still be shunned by the girls.

Not in my story I am writing.



Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Well, you're not the TC, and I'm answering their questions.

But, if you're having the boys with each other, what happens to the girls?


Resident RockxNetto Fan
Role;99261 said:
Well, you're not the TC, and I'm answering their questions.

But, if you're having the boys with each other, what happens to the girls?

Not all of the boys are getting with each other, only a specific 2 (see avatar for reference).

The other boys can have any girl they want. :)


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Especially if one's digital and the other's material.

...Wait, doesn't this happen every time they use that synchro chip in the anime? "The two fuse and become one?" I guess it's already happened...


Resident RockxNetto Fan
My fanfic is parallel to the anime. That way, I get around the twincest part of it all.

And, Rockman being able to even make physical contact with Netto is also explained in my story. I didn't that major detail unattended.

And, it isn't hard to write at all. Just the occasion writer's block (like now), but that is all I have to worry about.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
I guess you didn't get the innuendo of my last post, then? XD


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Zodiac;99511 said:
Oh, it's "twincest", not "wincest"... *hits Role on the head for confusing me* :)
It's both, actually. In certain games, you can have your romantic interest be a family member. These are often joked around as being called the "Wincest ending". Twincest is another term, that refers to twins exclusively. Wincest, however, is a much broader term. Basically, consentual/mutual incest.


Gurren Brigade Member
Role;99864 said:
It's both, actually. In certain games, you can have your romantic interest be a family member. These are often joked around as being called the "Wincest ending". Twincest is another term, that refers to twins exclusively. Wincest, however, is a much broader term. Basically, consentual/mutual incest.

Damn, too many terms ending in "incest"... stupid marriage and genetics laws!
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