Happy Birthday Vande!


Savers Girls Fanboy
Happy Birthday Vande!

Yes that's right, today our beloved Succubus Vande turned into an old woman of 26 years.
*is dragged away by a swarm bats and badly beaten up*
Eh, I mean today our beloved Vampire Vande turned into a young woman of 26 years.
So Happy Bloody Burstday Vande!

I may not be good at making special cakes, but here is a little Link, you might like:
It has Vamdemon and your favourite Digimon Couple.


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Happy Birthday, Vande ^^
Hope you have a good one~ ^^


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
Thanks guys

Prezzie Count:
A Book on "How to be a Villian" from Meowy :D
The very kawaii Pachirisu plushie from Angelofhope ^^
Money from parents.
Some chocolate from the team at work (this one actually shocked me)

I also coughed up the cash to get a DSi...i said i wasn't going to get one :p


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
My birthday has been pretty dull as per usual. Weird without having any grandparents around this year and it seems my brother forgot again >_>


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
I weren't online lately, so I miss that date... :r

Happy Birthday, Vande and like every year, Vande Cake for You :)

P.S. Mugen, such a cute Wizarmon :-*