Frozen Twins, what your saying is kinda arrogant, you seem to always think you are ALWAYS right about something that hasn't been proven with "hard facts", and you assume that what you say is the only "right" way to believe, you did this first when you said what you said to onkeikun, then now you're saying that "we", as in the whole wide world, agreed with your ideas of Rhythm being a Savers type of "Gennai", all I have to say man, is that you better change how you go by stuff like that, cause in the "real world", people don't play that!
Anyway, I think Gizmon aren't really Digimon, as I just can't explain it right now, but I could be wrong, I really don't know.....did Kurata specifically state that they were Digimon himself? Maybe I missed it if he did.....