[Game] Corrupted wish


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Rocknote said:
I wish PrimoPiccolo becomes my no.1 ninja slave.
Okay, then...

Granted, but seeing as ninjas can never be trusted, I kill you.

So now that I have an idea, I wish to own a katana blade.


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Granted but what's Katakana without Wakizashi and Tanto?

I wish i'll find my knife to postages.


PrimoPiccolo;35697 said:
Okay, then...

Granted, but seeing as ninjas can never be trusted, I kill you.

So now that I have an idea, I wish to own a katana blade.

Ninjas dont fight for a person but for their honour, or you would need to be the mperor of aincient japan.


I dont know what nemos whish meant.

Granted but you dont have the option of not copying so your forced to mimick people for all eternity.
I wish for a .... er uhm..... Wii party station with cooler cups dip stands and stuff.


Granted but you already broke for paying your electricity bill.

I wish I can steal all the things from Lecros's "basement".


Granted but you are the guinea pig for knowing the results of the book.

I wish I can feel the pain of being attacked by gamma wave.


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Granted, but the sodium gives you high blood pressure.

I wish the True Believers would appear in the new Spider-Man series.

Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now
Granted, Masaru and Agumon punched out Spiderman while singing 'Believer'

(Actually, that would be kinda cool XD )

I wish this game would never end =D


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Hagaren Gao said:
Masaru and Agumon punched out Spiderman while singing 'Believer'
Man, that would be cool.

Anyhow, granted, you do nothing but play this game until the day you die.

I wish Saturday Night Live were airing a new episode tonight.


Granted but the plush becomes smelly because of your head is smelly.

I wish I can unite with Nemomon and yell: Chaos Unison! Nemo Chaos!


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Granted and Your young soul will be corrupted and You will know from first hand what's pain..

I wish, dreaming is only a lie..