[Game] Corrupted wish


Granted your school got enraged in a huge fire disaster while you were in it.

I wish too win with hit & heal. (how are you gonna corrupt that.)


♥ Webcomic Fiend ♥
Granted but you only win it in the moral sense that you didn't twist your values to win.

I wish that Hillary wouldn't win the election.


Granted. We make an exception and let Bush stay another few years for his fantastic management of finances.

I wish I had a meaningful wish.


&hearts; Webcomic Fiend &hearts;
Granted, but right after you gain your wish you forget it.

I wish that the horrible effects of my previous wish would be negated, while the positive ones remain. ToT


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Granted, Hillary won´t win the elections and Bush won´t stay for another few years, but he becomes the adviser for the new President

I wish I would be fire proof


You made him get out of my burning school unharmed.
And granted, but the it turned out to be something else with almost the same name.

I wish to be able to fly or surfe on radio waves


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Granted, but everytime you switch on the bulb explodes

I wish I would have Megaman.exe as my Net Navi


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Granted, but you didn't wish for batteries, so they're not included.

I wish the Lakers would win the NBA championship this year.

Zelsius said:
Granted. We make an exception and let Bush stay another few years for his fantastic management of finances.


Granted but you miss the day you won the lottery and miss out on a million dollar.

I wish for megaman in the new brawl that will come someday.


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Granted, but you didn't state what brawl and it turns out to be for World War III, in which millions die.

I wish for Adriana Lima to be my girlfriend.

Hagaren Gao said:
Granted! They won!

...But then you woke up.
A dream? WEEEEEAK...


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
granted but you never said when, she will be your girlfriend in 50 yrs.

I wish for a strawberry milkshake.


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Granted but that milk may have 100 years.

I wish some relax from postage stamps (eh, hobby.... :/)


Future bestselling author
Granted, but you die of blood clots in your legs.

I wish for the anti-math equation. (The equation that proves math wrong.)


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Granted, you just died. (I so should get extra points for using the same answer twice)

I wish there were a Rockman.exe 7.