[Game] Anime/Manga Pic Trivia~ (Not Dial-up friendly)

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Aww man!!! I got here too late!! I would've been cocky and said, Kyatto Ninden Teyandee since I've seen that more recentlly. :-p


Yes, Sailor Moon SuperS. Come on people! I gave you enough to tell for sure. You had her Super Sailor Outfit, that should have narrowed it down to anything after and including Sailor Moon S. The weapon she was holding in her hand should have been a dead give away that it was SuperS considering the fact that her weapon changes EVERY season :p

I'll post the 3rd and final one tomorrow after work or soon after

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Okay. I'll do it later. I have one in mind. Right now, I'm still working on this 10-page paper for my English Lit class. I still have seven more pages to go and it's due by tonight and I still have Japanese homework to do. lol


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing
Sparhawk;71034 said:
Yes, Sailor Moon SuperS. Come on people! I gave you enough to tell for sure. You had her Super Sailor Outfit, that should have narrowed it down to anything after and including Sailor Moon S. The weapon she was holding in her hand should have been a dead give away that it was SuperS considering the fact that her weapon changes EVERY season :p

You have to take into consideration that not everyone here has watched Sailor Moon yet. Just like some people here haven't seen every Digimon season.

*hasn't seen any SM*

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Nah, I don't mind. And I didn't reach the amount I was supposed to for the paper. I'm off by one page. I'll just get docked points for it, probably. I couldn't extend this thing out any more. I don't mind writing papers where you can personally get into it, like sharing your opinion or feelings on said works, find an aspect that you can relate to, but trying to find symbolism or themes and connecting them, is just completely boring. I'm surprised I managed to get as much as I did with something so vague.

Anywho, here's the pic. I've never watched this, and at the rate I'm going, probably never will get around to it, especially with this copy. The subtitles aren't in English.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of you got this right off. It's probably easy.


Nooooope, not a clue! But I'll dig into that sign on the back, I gotta go to sleep now. It also looks like if it's based on traditional Japanese cultural stuff too.

Laters. =D


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
I feel like I've seen it before but I can't remember and it's bugging me. I think I saw it on toonami or something.

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Yes, it was shown on Cartoon Network. Someone told me that it has a dub and that CN showed it a few years ago.

Hmm...for the original, Takeuchi Junko did one of the main characters' voices.

Edit: Disregard all that I said above. digiboy got it. Okay...time for another...

Okay, this should stump you guys since it's a manga pic...maybe. The answer to this one must be specific. :-p


THE all-high-and-mighty
I'd get killed for saying this... but that so looks like something from Legend of Zelda.

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Kage;34694 said:
I'd get killed for saying this... but that so looks like something from Legend of Zelda.
No you won't, you should receive hugs for saying such a thing. :-p

Anywho, you're right...but to claim this guys, you have to give a specific. Which manga story is it? *dodges*

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper

Hint...the main villain is in the panel and it's from an earlier game. No need to give a chapter, just the series. ^^