Futa's birthday


Staff member
Futa's birthday

Happy birthday to me too! (I'm on 25th July but the time zone difference....) ^^ - Futa

Time zone differences... >_>

Anyway, happy birthday to our awesome translator, Futamaru!


Translator, empty...




または、お誕生日おめでとう! ;)


Translator, empty...
And, to Megumi-san too, happy birthday! haha. Sorry for always screwing up the rule game. ahahaha LOLOLOL \o/


Translator, empty...
Happy birthday to me too! (I'm on 25th July but the time zone difference....)
LOL, I misinterpreted that line...not until I saw it was only Futa on the sig. HAHAHA. Take it as an advanced greeting LOL!!!!!!!!! *no wonder he screws up the rule game* sorry LMAO!!!


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Happy Birthday, Futa~^^
Hope you´ve got a good one~^^


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
Thanks, guys! I'm happy for being part of the group! I'm so touched... *weeps*

Here comes my working habit...

Warrock6690;98870 said:


豪快 -> にぎやか

Warrock6690;98870 said:

Warrock6690;98870 said:


たとえ在外に住んでいます -> たとえ違う国ですんでいますが

Besides those, the usage of sentence style... (辞書形、謙譲語) should be consistent to the same target person. There should be no mixing of 出来ます and 出来る.

Warrock6690;98870 said:
(Glad to meet you all too!)

Warrock6690;98870 said:
または、お誕生日おめでとう! ;)

どうもありがとう!ヘ(・ρ・ヘ))))) ウヘヘヘェ♪
(Thank you!)

Hope everybody had a great day too!


Translator, empty...
Haha, I guess I was a bit off as I was typing all that :-p But I can't say I didn't try right? haha.

Hmmm, according to the Genki 2 book I read, the potential verb form of する->出来る. Sometimes, I see that directly appended to state the capability of doing X(noun)...can you tell me exactly when can you just have noun+出来る? Without the が - Just making sure, I think I'm jumbling it up lol

I made a mistake with the たり、たりする form conjugation lol - point taken :3

Well, I learned a lot from self-study and honestly, I haven't written an essay in straight Japanese yet. Hey, this doesn't have to be formal! haha parallelism and consistency later *happy birthday thing* lol

Anyway, I will become better in time :-p Thanks for the corrections - I think I've been learning too liberally maybe...haha.

It has not been a YEAR yet since I started studying :-p Cut me some slack! wahahahahahahahahahahaha lolololol *All the more Koroku-sama will have my head*


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
I've never seen noun+する in formal use, but I think it's quite common to use that like... in advertisement etc to convey the message fast.

Even I feel that it'a a bit wrong to use 挨拶が出来ます. More proper usage will be 挨拶することが出来ます.

Which remonds me of one more:
プレゼントを届きたりするのが出来るなら -> プレゼントを届いたりすることが出来るなら

Self learning is the best way to learn. As we are self motivated, the learning progress will be faster, and we get to fill our free time too! Just read a lot, listen a lot, and get experience from how people reads/writes, and you will know whether your sentence is right or wrong... (That's how I learned, so even if I learned the wrong thing I wouldn't know :p)


Translator, empty...
That's how I learned, so even if I learned the wrong thing I wouldn't know
プレゼントを届きたりするのが出来るなら -> プレゼントを届いたりすることが出来るなら

From Genki again:
"Add の to the verbal short form to express the idea of doing X"

Ex (From Genki):たけしさんは日本語を話すのが上手です。

I guess it's also ok...the use of こと works the same way...lol we will be chided again if we make this into a language thread lmao. Reply to this one, maybe for one last time haha. I'll just make a new thread later if it still grows :-p


This is OK, you can see this in formal text at times, but make sure you never ever use を in place of が. Using the former is considered highly substandard, although grammatically correct.