Empty Jokes


New Member
If it's true, then you are great

I often S-rank virus at level 1 and 2, but on virus level 3, my maximum is just 9


Hourai Doll
I just triple delete at least around 5-7 out of 10 battles.(Probably because of gigas and stuff? dunno. S rank is harder in Ryuusei, but I don't know why......)


New Member
In Ryuusei, i manage to S rank all the FM-ians include Sat Admin
It's easier than in EXE

Maybe i'm better in 3D battle


Hourai Doll
Nonononoooooooo, S-rank as in Virus, not boss.

If you want to compare in that, all except 2 of my records, I scored a timing of 0:00:00. :-p, namely... Crown Thunder(Meh, lazy to fight him) and Gemini Spark(Makes me quite confused)


Just kidding in level s virus buster.

0 time record is hard and I found someone can do that by borrowing Brother's legend force.


Hourai Doll
I made the Legends Force myself. 4 Berserk Sword 2s and 8 Berserk Sword 3s, adding up to 2870 non-elemental damage or so. :-p MY FAV!!!


New Member
My BC only reaches 780 damage
But i slip one Recov 200
So, it's great to have a damaging attack with healing

Sorry, i wanna continue my Fatal Frame games
But i'm gonna back after i play it for 2 hours