Does Subaru voice sounds like a girl?


New Member
I ever tried to find some songs that are sung by them, but the result is somewhat just a little due to laziness and business of me

Itou Kentarou
Since he is one of the seiyuu in Bleach anime, you may find one or two of his song

Kana Ueda
She sang some songs for Final Fantasy Unlimited anime

Kimura AKiko
Since she was doing on Rockman.EXE before, you can hear her voice on singing, in Hikari Todoku Basho de of the Rockman.EXE anime

While Fuyura, still zero results


Mii-Chan's #1 fan!
Dengar;42117 said:
Apart from that, you do realise that child labor is somewhat of an issue right?

Not as much, but people tend to avoid it if they can.

Now you point it out, it's so obvious.

But unelss they are famous of course. Look at the stupid girl hannah montannah, she's working hours everyday singing with a fake double who lip syncs, both are only 15 :( Poor hannah montannah and her long hours :( Now her, I can see working to death is ok, I dont like her.


New Member
most young boys in anime are done by females, it makes them ssound cute. unlike in the dub Geo and Lan sound a little old for their age esspically Lan from NT warrior


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
The first dub Lan was awesome. The second one (I still call him Quatre from Gundam Wing) didn't fit at all. :(


New Member
Lan and Megaman.EXE dub was quite good.
Geo Stelar's dub was quite good too, and Omega-Xis is also good


<span style="color: deeppink;"><strong>#1 Subaru ♥
Trivial;46020 said:
Lan and Megaman.EXE dub was quite good.
Geo Stelar's dub was quite good too, and Omega-Xis is also good

I didn't like his dub voice. He sounded too old. :/

PrimoPiccolo;41865 said:
Arnold, Gerald and Helga.

But with Helga, she was kept, while they constantly changed Arnold's and Gerald's and all the other guys' voices with new kids to keep them sounding like they were 9. Helga had the same voice actress until the show was cancelled. That was my point.


New Member
Emi said:
I didn't like his dub voice. He sounded too old. :/

Lan and Megaman.EXE indeed kinda sounds too old compared with their characters as merely a boy
But i still can enjoy it, though it sometimes got in my head
Geo's or Omega-Xis's is better


Most anime have boys pre-puberty voiced by female seiyuus, and compare it with the English dubs, they make them sound like if they went through puberty too early. If you get my point. (Will stop ranting on my hate for dubs, because I think they made Netto sound like if he ate too much steroids).

You also have to remember, that different audiences are used to different voices. Did you know, Orochimaru and Naruto are both voiced by girls? And several other anime apart from the mainstream ones have done it that way too. It's really common. My point is, it doesn't matter if the seiyuu is a guy or girl, as long as they suit the character and the general audience find it does, too.


New Member
RollEXE said:
Most anime have boys pre-puberty voiced by female seiyuus, and compare it with the English dubs, they make them sound like if they went through puberty too early. If you get my point. (Will stop ranting on my hate for dubs, because I think they made Netto sound like if he ate too much steroids).

Yup, i agree with you
Axl's seiyuu is a woman too
Geo's sounds is like a teen or sort
So do Lan
Say it like this : Their dub voice isn't suitable with their age


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
RollEXE said:
You also have to remember, that different audiences are used to different voices. Did you know, Orochimaru and Naruto are both voiced by girls? And several other anime apart from the mainstream ones have done it that way too. It's really common.
Yeah, my favorite is Frieza from DragonBall Z. His Japanese, Spanish and both English voice actors are all female, so as to fully showcase what a little bitch he is. XD