Masaru Daimon
New Member
Digimon - Network battles
Yes I've only just arrived and I already decided to start off with a fanfic.
Dunno how you'll like it though. It kinda reminded me of Rockman.exe at first thought.
Here goes:
*Male voice telling the tale*
As of all things I've ever dreamed of, I never thought I'd actually be the one to save the world like ever... I was all but special, always outstanding at studies, always home at time, playing football, always the same every single day and nothing special even at the weekends. The only thing that actually gave me some fun was the new virtual battle pet, the Digital Monsters, the Digimon.
I've watched all those animes, played and collected all the cards, knew all the digimon by name and analysis, their attacks, their weaknesses, everything, but never had the money, or the courage to buy one. Never ever...
You may ask me what digimon are right now. Well I'll tell you.
So to clear this off, the time date is 2031, and the location is Tokyo Japan. 15 years ago, a computer genius invented a new toy, a virtual pet, and based off from the world popular anime series, he called them Digital Monsters. Monsters, those not only served as personal friend to the owners, but had their own personality, and could do battle against each other on the so called Battle network, which had terminals scattered all around the world.
By today even schools have terminals, but you can now play one on one battles at your home through the control divice, which is called D-cMac. The D-cMac's name is a puzzle word which covers Digital Control Machine, and is used to carry your digimon partner with you.
Yes I consider them living beings, unlike some who only use them as weapons. Some who are obsessed with power, some who...
Well okay, I won't go any further into this, let's just get on with the story ok?
My name's Takaoka Masaru, it's a strange coincidence that I have the same name as one of the main protagonists of Digimon Savers... Cool huh? Well anyway, it all began on my 15th birthday. That was the very first day I actually let myself off a bit and went to have fun with my friends ofwhich one was a girl.
I woke up that morning early, but all by myself, somehow I was so excited, I just couldn't sleep, and was awake at 6 am already. Boy was that a long night
. When I finally got up I went to the bathroom and started getting ready for the big day. I've had it all planned as always I was gonna be out till 3 pm, than a celebration at our house with my friends, my mom and my sister Youlie (another refference to the anime). not to mention, that my father had died a fw years ago, he was a policeman, but he was shot by a bank robber.
So as I was saying the big day was ahead of me. When I entered the bathroom from my room, I took a look at a picture on my desk at the door. My friends, Ayuki and Kenta were on it along with me. It was an old picture from a summer camp 3 years ago. Strange part is they have a digimon partner as opposed to me...Oh well I can still help them out at any time if they're in trouble.
So I entered the bathroom and went to the sink to wash my face. no matter how short my hair was it was always messy and I looked like Einstein in his better days. My eyes were a bit red because of the few sleep I got last night, but the deep blue colour I've inherited from my dad was still there. I smiled onto my reflection, he smiled back and I started another happy day. This was the first ever day I left our house during the weekend without any clear purpose. My friends were gonna take me somewhere, but it was a surprise.
Within 10 minutes I was ready to go, but almost two more hours were left until the others came, so I got dressed and went to watch tv. I took my favourite red T-Shirt with the white lightning streaks on it, a pair of blue jeans, and my lucky blue socks so that nothingcould turn wrong today. I grabbed my sunglasses and pocket money just in case and sit down in the living room to watch tv.
The news were on. I never used to watch the news, but this time it catched my eye. My mom was also awake and was making breakfast for me. Her long brown hair and her long pink dress wer only to see while she was busy in the kitchen. On rare ocasions she took a look at me while I was not looking, and smiled. She was 42 that year, and she was still like a 20 year old.
- "Yesterday night three more intrusions were spotted along governmental computer systems. A strong virus, carried by digital monster pets has spread about the whole governmental system." - said the bulletin reporter, and 3 digimon were displayed on the screen.
- "But those are Megadramon, Devimon and Flymon" - I thought to myself, while recieving my breakfast. - "What could their owners be upto?"
- "Having thoughts over digimon again?" - mom asked - "You always care so much about these virtual pets."
- "It's because I've always wanted to buy one too." - I said while stuffing my head full - "I never had enough money tobuy one."
- "Well since it's your birthday today..." - mom said, and handed me a handful of money.
- "But mom, I can't accept this!" - I said while trying to deny the kind and loving offer. - "It's all your spare money."
- "You deserve it." - mom said - "not only is it your birthday, but you work so hard for the family to keep us together and alive every day of the week. I think you more than just deserve it."
I couldn't say another thing I was so touched that I almost started crying and with tears in my eyes I accepted it, and gave my mom a strong bear hug.
It was true I worked after school every day of the week. Only my saturdays were free, and I used this for my birthday's advantage. In only half an hour my friends arrived. They were too excited about this day too. Ayuki had a pretty blue dress and a purse with her, and she had blue shoes on in addition to it. She was pretty as always, her long blondhair was in a pony tail, and her big blue eyes were shining in the early morning sunshine. Kenta on the other hand was just as always, black t-shirt with the crest of friendship on it, brown jeans, baseball cap, sunglasses, and jogging shoes in addition to it. They both had their D-cMac's hung on the left hand side of their belt, or in Ayuki's case, her purse. Kenta had a Leomon called Leon (How creative... :
, and Ayuki had a Biyomon called Sally.
I said bye to mom and Youlie, and we left for the great city. We took a train to downtown, and there we went to a smaller street where there was a shop looking little place. The store's insignia said: DATS Equipment Shop. Strange name for a shop I had to say and what I recalled was that DATS was a reference to Digital Accident Tactics Squadron, also called Data Squad in other places. Funny I thought and the more surprised we were that we would enter too.
- "Welcome!" - the salesman said. - "May I be of any help?"
- "Guys what are we doing in a place like this?" - I asked my friends.
- "Getting your birthday present what else?" - Kenta said from behind his medium length black hair that always covered most of his face.
- "You're kidding right?" - I asked barely believing what I heard. "I wanted to surprise myself with a digimon, I never thought you'd want to do the same."
- "Well learn to respect us now ok?" - Ayuki said. She was always like that. a little harsh at others, but she had a heart of gold.
So we entered the desk from which the widest variety of D-cMac's were to find. Icould look around and so many rookie and in-training digimon were there... I could barely decide which one to take. Then I decided to let the digimon choose. I learned form the animes, that you don't choose your partner Digimon, but he/she chooses you.
- "May I ask something?" - I asked the old man standing behind the desk. - "Would it be a problem if I let the digimon choose for me?"
- "Are you crazy?" - Kenta asked. - "Don't tell me you're comming with this madness again!"
- "I don't see any problem with that!" - the salesman said and he started packing the D-cMacs out of the shrine, one after another.
Each was in different colour according to what kind of digimon it was. Holy digimon had pure white ones, dark had black ones, dragon had red, bird had blue, aquan had marine, machine had cyber prints on them... All were very pretty, but the decision was up to them. I laid my hand over each and another, but non reacted.
- "You see" - Kenta said. - "It's no use just pick one and we're done ok?"
- "Come on Kenta!" - Ayuki said. - "This will take a while, so let's battle on the network!"
Yes the store even had a battle network terminal. Prety cool for a hidden place like this one. Kenta and Ayuki got their digimon partners from here as I recalled. So they went battling amongst each other, while I was still searching for the right one. Every single one in the desk were put in front of me, but none wanted to react. The salesman went to the storage to get the stock to try out, while he was there I watched as Kenta got beaten by Ayuki, who digivolved her Biyomon to Birdramon and kicked major butt. But then suddenly the door popped open and a misterious cloaked figure appeared. He was seemingly a tamer too (yes I call people with digimon tamers), and he went to the terminal. He watched the two have a rematch, and when it was done, he challanged both of them on a triple battle, Ayuki and Kenta against him.
Soon the salesman returned, and he brought some boxes containing more D-cMacs and put all out, but non worked.
- "I don't understand this..." - the old man said - "I1ve never seen anyone not being accepted by a digimon."
He started thinking and he suddenly got an idea. He went to the storage again, and bought a platinum box with him back from there. When he opened up, I was surprised to see a red-white D-cMac in it. It was so charmingly nicely designed, totally different from any other. I leaned my hand towards it and it suddenly started glowing in golden light, and the digimon inside awoke to life, it was an Agumon.
- "Incredible!" - the old man said. - "Noone was ever able to unlock this one and you did it. You must be something special kid!"
The agumon opened his eyes and he stared at me. He had those big green eyes, chanelling strength and courage towards me.
- "Are you my tamer?" - he asked all of a sudden.
- "Am I?" - I asked looking at the old salesman
- "You are indeed!" - the old man knodded in a friendly wise.
Suddenly I was stunned by a huge light, and Ayuki and Kenta dropped to their knees with their D-cMacs detached from the terminal. The other tamer beat them destroyingly. I turned away from the desk and rushed to their help.
- "What happened guys?" - I asked while leaned down to Ayuki.
- "He's just too strong..." - She replied as she dropped her D-cMac which had a blank screen, the digimon was deleted. I stood up and stared at the misterious tamer with incredible anger.
- "You're gonna pay for this..." - I mumbled.
To be continued...
Yes I've only just arrived and I already decided to start off with a fanfic.
Dunno how you'll like it though. It kinda reminded me of Rockman.exe at first thought.
Here goes:
Digimon - Network battles
Chapter 1.
A new saga begins
Part 1.
Chapter 1.
A new saga begins
Part 1.
*Male voice telling the tale*
As of all things I've ever dreamed of, I never thought I'd actually be the one to save the world like ever... I was all but special, always outstanding at studies, always home at time, playing football, always the same every single day and nothing special even at the weekends. The only thing that actually gave me some fun was the new virtual battle pet, the Digital Monsters, the Digimon.
I've watched all those animes, played and collected all the cards, knew all the digimon by name and analysis, their attacks, their weaknesses, everything, but never had the money, or the courage to buy one. Never ever...
You may ask me what digimon are right now. Well I'll tell you.
So to clear this off, the time date is 2031, and the location is Tokyo Japan. 15 years ago, a computer genius invented a new toy, a virtual pet, and based off from the world popular anime series, he called them Digital Monsters. Monsters, those not only served as personal friend to the owners, but had their own personality, and could do battle against each other on the so called Battle network, which had terminals scattered all around the world.
By today even schools have terminals, but you can now play one on one battles at your home through the control divice, which is called D-cMac. The D-cMac's name is a puzzle word which covers Digital Control Machine, and is used to carry your digimon partner with you.
Yes I consider them living beings, unlike some who only use them as weapons. Some who are obsessed with power, some who...
Well okay, I won't go any further into this, let's just get on with the story ok?
My name's Takaoka Masaru, it's a strange coincidence that I have the same name as one of the main protagonists of Digimon Savers... Cool huh? Well anyway, it all began on my 15th birthday. That was the very first day I actually let myself off a bit and went to have fun with my friends ofwhich one was a girl.
I woke up that morning early, but all by myself, somehow I was so excited, I just couldn't sleep, and was awake at 6 am already. Boy was that a long night

So as I was saying the big day was ahead of me. When I entered the bathroom from my room, I took a look at a picture on my desk at the door. My friends, Ayuki and Kenta were on it along with me. It was an old picture from a summer camp 3 years ago. Strange part is they have a digimon partner as opposed to me...Oh well I can still help them out at any time if they're in trouble.
So I entered the bathroom and went to the sink to wash my face. no matter how short my hair was it was always messy and I looked like Einstein in his better days. My eyes were a bit red because of the few sleep I got last night, but the deep blue colour I've inherited from my dad was still there. I smiled onto my reflection, he smiled back and I started another happy day. This was the first ever day I left our house during the weekend without any clear purpose. My friends were gonna take me somewhere, but it was a surprise.
Within 10 minutes I was ready to go, but almost two more hours were left until the others came, so I got dressed and went to watch tv. I took my favourite red T-Shirt with the white lightning streaks on it, a pair of blue jeans, and my lucky blue socks so that nothingcould turn wrong today. I grabbed my sunglasses and pocket money just in case and sit down in the living room to watch tv.
The news were on. I never used to watch the news, but this time it catched my eye. My mom was also awake and was making breakfast for me. Her long brown hair and her long pink dress wer only to see while she was busy in the kitchen. On rare ocasions she took a look at me while I was not looking, and smiled. She was 42 that year, and she was still like a 20 year old.
- "Yesterday night three more intrusions were spotted along governmental computer systems. A strong virus, carried by digital monster pets has spread about the whole governmental system." - said the bulletin reporter, and 3 digimon were displayed on the screen.
- "But those are Megadramon, Devimon and Flymon" - I thought to myself, while recieving my breakfast. - "What could their owners be upto?"
- "Having thoughts over digimon again?" - mom asked - "You always care so much about these virtual pets."
- "It's because I've always wanted to buy one too." - I said while stuffing my head full - "I never had enough money tobuy one."
- "Well since it's your birthday today..." - mom said, and handed me a handful of money.
- "But mom, I can't accept this!" - I said while trying to deny the kind and loving offer. - "It's all your spare money."
- "You deserve it." - mom said - "not only is it your birthday, but you work so hard for the family to keep us together and alive every day of the week. I think you more than just deserve it."
I couldn't say another thing I was so touched that I almost started crying and with tears in my eyes I accepted it, and gave my mom a strong bear hug.
It was true I worked after school every day of the week. Only my saturdays were free, and I used this for my birthday's advantage. In only half an hour my friends arrived. They were too excited about this day too. Ayuki had a pretty blue dress and a purse with her, and she had blue shoes on in addition to it. She was pretty as always, her long blondhair was in a pony tail, and her big blue eyes were shining in the early morning sunshine. Kenta on the other hand was just as always, black t-shirt with the crest of friendship on it, brown jeans, baseball cap, sunglasses, and jogging shoes in addition to it. They both had their D-cMac's hung on the left hand side of their belt, or in Ayuki's case, her purse. Kenta had a Leomon called Leon (How creative... :
I said bye to mom and Youlie, and we left for the great city. We took a train to downtown, and there we went to a smaller street where there was a shop looking little place. The store's insignia said: DATS Equipment Shop. Strange name for a shop I had to say and what I recalled was that DATS was a reference to Digital Accident Tactics Squadron, also called Data Squad in other places. Funny I thought and the more surprised we were that we would enter too.
- "Welcome!" - the salesman said. - "May I be of any help?"
- "Guys what are we doing in a place like this?" - I asked my friends.
- "Getting your birthday present what else?" - Kenta said from behind his medium length black hair that always covered most of his face.
- "You're kidding right?" - I asked barely believing what I heard. "I wanted to surprise myself with a digimon, I never thought you'd want to do the same."
- "Well learn to respect us now ok?" - Ayuki said. She was always like that. a little harsh at others, but she had a heart of gold.
So we entered the desk from which the widest variety of D-cMac's were to find. Icould look around and so many rookie and in-training digimon were there... I could barely decide which one to take. Then I decided to let the digimon choose. I learned form the animes, that you don't choose your partner Digimon, but he/she chooses you.
- "May I ask something?" - I asked the old man standing behind the desk. - "Would it be a problem if I let the digimon choose for me?"
- "Are you crazy?" - Kenta asked. - "Don't tell me you're comming with this madness again!"
- "I don't see any problem with that!" - the salesman said and he started packing the D-cMacs out of the shrine, one after another.
Each was in different colour according to what kind of digimon it was. Holy digimon had pure white ones, dark had black ones, dragon had red, bird had blue, aquan had marine, machine had cyber prints on them... All were very pretty, but the decision was up to them. I laid my hand over each and another, but non reacted.
- "You see" - Kenta said. - "It's no use just pick one and we're done ok?"
- "Come on Kenta!" - Ayuki said. - "This will take a while, so let's battle on the network!"
Yes the store even had a battle network terminal. Prety cool for a hidden place like this one. Kenta and Ayuki got their digimon partners from here as I recalled. So they went battling amongst each other, while I was still searching for the right one. Every single one in the desk were put in front of me, but none wanted to react. The salesman went to the storage to get the stock to try out, while he was there I watched as Kenta got beaten by Ayuki, who digivolved her Biyomon to Birdramon and kicked major butt. But then suddenly the door popped open and a misterious cloaked figure appeared. He was seemingly a tamer too (yes I call people with digimon tamers), and he went to the terminal. He watched the two have a rematch, and when it was done, he challanged both of them on a triple battle, Ayuki and Kenta against him.
Soon the salesman returned, and he brought some boxes containing more D-cMacs and put all out, but non worked.
- "I don't understand this..." - the old man said - "I1ve never seen anyone not being accepted by a digimon."
He started thinking and he suddenly got an idea. He went to the storage again, and bought a platinum box with him back from there. When he opened up, I was surprised to see a red-white D-cMac in it. It was so charmingly nicely designed, totally different from any other. I leaned my hand towards it and it suddenly started glowing in golden light, and the digimon inside awoke to life, it was an Agumon.
- "Incredible!" - the old man said. - "Noone was ever able to unlock this one and you did it. You must be something special kid!"
The agumon opened his eyes and he stared at me. He had those big green eyes, chanelling strength and courage towards me.
- "Are you my tamer?" - he asked all of a sudden.
- "Am I?" - I asked looking at the old salesman
- "You are indeed!" - the old man knodded in a friendly wise.
Suddenly I was stunned by a huge light, and Ayuki and Kenta dropped to their knees with their D-cMacs detached from the terminal. The other tamer beat them destroyingly. I turned away from the desk and rushed to their help.
- "What happened guys?" - I asked while leaned down to Ayuki.
- "He's just too strong..." - She replied as she dropped her D-cMac which had a blank screen, the digimon was deleted. I stood up and stared at the misterious tamer with incredible anger.
- "You're gonna pay for this..." - I mumbled.
To be continued...