Chess Tournament


Lecros, Jup, just send me a PM whenever you want to play and we'll find a time to. :]

(And the real threat is Spire, not I.)


Joey and I played. For some reason I won.

I'm sorry I played so horribly in the beginning, Joey. And then fell asleep in the middle of it. If you want a rematch, I'll gladly play you properly.

1. d2-d4 e7-e6
2. e2-e3 d7-d6
3. b1-c3 f8-e7
4. g1-f3 c8-d7
5. f1-e2 g8-h6
6. o-o e7-f6
7. c3-e4 f6-e7
8. e2-d3 d7-c6
9. c2-c3 c6xe4
10. d3xe4 f7-f5
11. e4xb7 c7-c6
12. b7xc6+ b8xc6
13. d1-e2 e7-f6
14. e2-b5 d8-d7
15. b2-b4 a7-a6
16. b5-e2 h6-f7
17. a2-a3 e6-e5
18. f1-e1 e5xd4
19. c3xd4 f5-f4
20. a1-b1 a6-a5
21. c1-d2 d7-f5
22. b4-b5 c6-a7
23. b5-b6 a7-b5
24. b1xb5 a8-b8
25. b5xf5 f4xe3
26. f2xe3 b8xb6
27. d2xa5 g7-g6
28. f5xf6 b6-b7
29. e1-c1 f7-h6
30. f6xd6 h6-f5
31. d6-e6+ e8-f7
32. c1-c6 f7-g7
33. e6-f6 g7-h6
34. e3-e4 b7-b8
35. e4xf5 h8-f8
36. a5-d2+ h6-h5
37. h2-h3 f8xf6
38. c6xf6 b8-b2
39. g2-g4++

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Well I'm officially out. I lost both my games. I saw I was going to lose and just resigned so that Ebbit could win. lol


<span style="color: #0000CC;">Someone's Favourite
;White: eoruntia
;Black: ssjupiter1981

1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. g1-f3 f8-b4
3. b1-c3 b8-c6
4. d2-d4 e5xd4
5. f3xd4 g8-e7
6. c1-g5 o-o
7. f1-c4 d8-e8
8. o-o b4-c5
9. d4xc6 d7xc6
10. f1-e1 h7-h6
11. g5-f4 g8-h8
12. f4xc7 f7-f5
13. g1-h1 f5xe4
14. c3xe4 c5-b4
15. c2-c3 a7-a5
16. c3xb4 a5xb4
17. f2-f3 e8-h5
18. e4-g3 h5-h4
19. c7-d8 c8-h3
20. g2xh3 h4xc4
21. d8xe7 h8-g8
22. e7xf8 a8xf8
23. b2-b3 c4-h4
24. d1-c2 f8xf3
25. c2-c4+ g8-f8
26. c4xh4 f3-f1+
27. e1xf1+ Black Resigns.

And so ends Round II.


So now it's official. No one reads the rules!
Fine, listen to me, I'll try to make it quick and easy to understand.

Joey, play Jup.
Jup, play Joey.

Then the second round ends. Thanks for your attention.

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Oh...I totally missed that. I play and lose to Joey. ><; Isn't Joey a tough player? *Trains Rocky style* :-p

Seriously, I just figured that 0 - 0 wouldn't count and that the rule for moving on to the next round only counted for those who actually got points.

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
*Only got 3 hours of sleep the previous night* I'm surprised I"m not knocked out right now. I think I'm much too tired to feel even remotely sleepy if that makes any sense.


Have you two played?

Oh yah, since Spire and I both have two points we have to play each other, too, so that he'll have three.

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Not yet, and it's my fault. How much longer until we can play? Seems that I'm going to be much too busy to do much of anything until the weekend rolls around. I'm certain I could play on Friday, but if that's too late, just give the victory to Joey.


Originally the round was over on the first, but Spire and I didn't get to play yet, either. We'll do so this weekend, so if you and Joey can play till Sunday, it's okay. There're only us five left anyway, so no hurry.


I played Spire and resigned. Of course he will pay for this horrible insult in the coming rounds. Moves list may follow, depending on whether Spire received the mail.

This round is therefore over.





Bonus rounds:



The points gained are as follows:
Spire: 3
Zelsius: 2
Ebbit: 1
Joey: 1
Jup: 0

According to the rules no one reads that means that Jup is out. I'll post the next round [soon]. Yes, I have not given up hopes that someone will actually read it!

Many thanks to Ebbit for obviously helping again.


You will see me lose in the following two rounds, too, Vande. There're two players better than me in this contest, after all. Try playing Spire! XD


Thank you, Jup. :]

The third round is a bonus round. It won't get you kicked out, regardless of the results. However, they will be added to the points already gained before and will therefore decide the opponents for the next round.

The setting of players is this:
The board we will play on will look somewhat like this:
So yes, we will have a four-way war!
This game is called Quattro Chess. There seems to be no agreement on fixed four-handed chess rules, but I kept mostly to the Quattro Chess model.

Special rules:

The goal is, of course, to be the last one standing. So you have to checkmate your opponents.

When a king is checkmated, the player lost, and their pieces remain standing on the board, dead. They can't move anymore, but apart from that nothing changes. You can't just move through them as if they weren't there, but you can beat them without getting beaten from them.

The four squares in the middle of the board are the Kings' Salvation. If you can move your king onto your colour, you win the game.

The game will last for as long as there're players left who haven't won/lost yet.

We will play this weekend. As we're in four different time zones, organisation is a bit complicated. Here's the time in your respective time zones:

Spire - Sunday, between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Dear Myself - Saturday/Sunday, between midnight and 2 a.m.
Ebbit - Saturday, between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Joey - Saturday, between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

If there're questions, feel free to ask. Otherwise we'll see on Saturday/Sunday.

P.S.: Every player got to choose their colour themselves. Joey begged me for pink. I swear.

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
You want to hear something ironic...I now have free time again. I lost my job. -_-; On the bright side, I found another one almost a day later, so let's hope I keep this one.