Nan asks everyone what year it was when they came here. She starts by saying she arrived in December of 2009.
Kim appends by saying they should also list the last thing they remember prior to all this weirdness starting.
Anna says the year is 1936. May. She went into the hotel but no one was around, so she used the elevator to get a feel for it. It started making strange noises, then the lights went out, and when they came on she felt like something was chasing her, so she fled.
Kim nods quietly and mutters something about the elevator to herself.
Anderson says the year is 1912, late July. The hotel was still partially under construction when he arrived, after several years of going up. He passed by some carpenters and laborers, all working busily as he entered the hotel. As soon as he stepped inside, he knew something was wrong.
Kim asks if anyone was on scaffolding where he passed, and Anderson says yes.
Henry says it is June of 1946. As he said, he was out on business when he stopped here. No one was at the front desk and he was exhausted, so he grabbed a key and took a room. He drew a bath, relaxed in it, and just as he closed his eyes he heard someone in his room -- Nan.
Kim asks if he was tired enough to fall asleep. Henry shrugs.
Kim nods again and wraps up with herself: 2016. August. The last thing she remembers is tripping over the threshold while coming inside. She says hit her head pretty bad.
Worse than she thought, maybe.