Hagaren Gao
Guess I'm fired now
And now Hagaren Gao's AMVs!
And now for my biggest project yet, one that combines every season, every main Digidestined, Tamer and their Digimon, and many of their best moments. Madness? This isn't madness, this is....
Digital Phenomenon: The Remake
Download availible soon, in both h.246 (Oh, whatever the crap it's called) and avi formats!
Life's Adventures: Youtube
Life's Adventures: Megaupload DDL
Bring It On (Youtube) (Digimon Frontier AWESOMENESS XD)
Fullmetal Lane (Anime Expo AMV Contest Finalist!)
Fullmetal Lane (MegaUpload)
This is a Call (TakatoxJeri, My first Romance vid
Hirari: Beleive in Your Soul MU Link:
If the nice people at DATS still want to sub one of my AMVs....this would be the one. ^^
Anyway, I'm back! I've uploaded a lot of my older videos on Youtube, so you get to see a lot of new stuff! Well, old new stuff....Windows movie Maker Stuff.....but it's fun to watch notetheless! This will be slowly upladed 'till everything is up.
Digimon AMVs:
Hirari: Believe in Your Soul: Digimon Savers - "Hirari" by Wada Kouji
Still Here: Digimon Tamers - "Still Here" by Johnny Rezeznik
Digital Phenomenon(v2): Digimon Tamers, Frontier, Savers - "Phenomenon" by Thousand Foot Krutch
Kingdom Hearts AMVs:
Vivid: Donald Duck Tribute Kingdom Hearts/KHII - "Vivid" from Final Fantasy: Unlimited
Other Anime:
Oh! Azumanga Daioh! Azumanga Daioh Character Tributes - Misc songs
Eddy Potter and the Philosipher's Stone Fullmetal Alchemist - Harry Potter trailer
Tree TV: Just watch and be surprised
Anime Overloaded: Misc Anime - "Overload" by Voodoo and Serano
Growing Up: Fullmetal Alchemist, Kingdom Hearts/KHII, Wolf's Rain, - "Speeding Cars" by Imogen Heap
Why?: Yu-Gi-Oh! - "Obsession" by See Saw
Random stuff (beware of stupidity! XD)
So what do you want to play, Masaru?: Digimon Savers
Pointless Kingdom Hearts Edit #1: Kingdom Hearts II
Azumon! Great King Monsters: Azumanga Daioh
Kazu: Digi-Modify!: Digimon Tamers
And now for my biggest project yet, one that combines every season, every main Digidestined, Tamer and their Digimon, and many of their best moments. Madness? This isn't madness, this is....
Digital Phenomenon: The Remake
Download availible soon, in both h.246 (Oh, whatever the crap it's called) and avi formats!
Life's Adventures: Youtube
Life's Adventures: Megaupload DDL
Bring It On (Youtube) (Digimon Frontier AWESOMENESS XD)
Fullmetal Lane (Anime Expo AMV Contest Finalist!)
Fullmetal Lane (MegaUpload)
This is a Call (TakatoxJeri, My first Romance vid
Hirari: Beleive in Your Soul MU Link:
If the nice people at DATS still want to sub one of my AMVs....this would be the one. ^^
Anyway, I'm back! I've uploaded a lot of my older videos on Youtube, so you get to see a lot of new stuff! Well, old new stuff....Windows movie Maker Stuff.....but it's fun to watch notetheless! This will be slowly upladed 'till everything is up.
Digimon AMVs:
Hirari: Believe in Your Soul: Digimon Savers - "Hirari" by Wada Kouji
Still Here: Digimon Tamers - "Still Here" by Johnny Rezeznik
Digital Phenomenon(v2): Digimon Tamers, Frontier, Savers - "Phenomenon" by Thousand Foot Krutch
Kingdom Hearts AMVs:
Vivid: Donald Duck Tribute Kingdom Hearts/KHII - "Vivid" from Final Fantasy: Unlimited
Other Anime:
Oh! Azumanga Daioh! Azumanga Daioh Character Tributes - Misc songs
Eddy Potter and the Philosipher's Stone Fullmetal Alchemist - Harry Potter trailer
Tree TV: Just watch and be surprised
Anime Overloaded: Misc Anime - "Overload" by Voodoo and Serano
Growing Up: Fullmetal Alchemist, Kingdom Hearts/KHII, Wolf's Rain, - "Speeding Cars" by Imogen Heap
Why?: Yu-Gi-Oh! - "Obsession" by See Saw
Random stuff (beware of stupidity! XD)
So what do you want to play, Masaru?: Digimon Savers
Pointless Kingdom Hearts Edit #1: Kingdom Hearts II
Azumon! Great King Monsters: Azumanga Daioh
Kazu: Digi-Modify!: Digimon Tamers