A random "Thank You" that's deserved
There are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes here that people really just don't know about. One of those things is getting ahold of the RAWs.
And do you know who's the one that does 90% of our raw gathering now? The not-so-well-known taxan.
He spends hours combing through Share, trying to find the best source for us to use, or try and find the seemingly lost files that make up something we're trying to work on, or...~
Even though we're 10 weeks behind or so in Juushin Enbu, he's uploaded the raw source for each episode already. He's been the one gathering all the Tribe raws that are now appearing on GRN weekly. He's the one that's now started to gather up the raws for Rosario...
Not to mention his fucking AMAZING connection. He'll upload whatever we need to control (the staff FTP) with no complaints. And hell, he's fast. Right now, he's working on uploading a dozen or so episodes of Zero Two so that PurpleShadow has something to work with when he gets around to helping TLC.
So yeah, if it weren't for taxan, we'd probably be really slow and using shitty raw sources.
So kudos go out to taxan and his unseen large amounts of help
There are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes here that people really just don't know about. One of those things is getting ahold of the RAWs.
And do you know who's the one that does 90% of our raw gathering now? The not-so-well-known taxan.
He spends hours combing through Share, trying to find the best source for us to use, or try and find the seemingly lost files that make up something we're trying to work on, or...~
Even though we're 10 weeks behind or so in Juushin Enbu, he's uploaded the raw source for each episode already. He's been the one gathering all the Tribe raws that are now appearing on GRN weekly. He's the one that's now started to gather up the raws for Rosario...
Not to mention his fucking AMAZING connection. He'll upload whatever we need to control (the staff FTP) with no complaints. And hell, he's fast. Right now, he's working on uploading a dozen or so episodes of Zero Two so that PurpleShadow has something to work with when he gets around to helping TLC.
So yeah, if it weren't for taxan, we'd probably be really slow and using shitty raw sources.

So kudos go out to taxan and his unseen large amounts of help