Okay, due to boredom, I decided to make up a list of 80s and 90s cartoons (which includes anime) that I really liked.
Smurfs (I don't care if I'm 150 years old, I will always love this show; been watching since I was 1 years old! lol)
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Noozles (Fushigi na Koala Blinky)
Mighty Max (Love this series)
Mummy's Alive
Adventures of the Little Koala (Koala Boy Kokki)
My Little Pony & Friends
Adventures of David the Gnome
Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM version that used to air on ABC)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (80s version)
Count Duckula
Alvin & the Chipmunks (80s version)
Dennis the Menace (both versions; 80s version and 90s version)
Heathcliffe & the Cadillac Cats
Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics
Captain Planet and the Planateers
Goof Troop
Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers
Shirt Tales
Paw Paw Bears
Maya the Bee (Mitsubachi Maaya no Bouken)
Muppet Babies
The Woody Woodpecker Show
The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy
Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show (I know it was the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner show before, but that version started in the 70s before being moved to ABC from CBS)
Get Along Gang
The Littles
The Berenstein Bears
Ewok Adventures
Rocko's Modern Life
Hey Arnold (Up to a point)
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario World
Pepper Ann
The Mighty Ducks
The Lil' Bits (Mori no Youki na Kobitotachi: Belfy to Lil Bit)
Swat Cats
Batman the animated series
Timon & Pumba
Sailor Moon
Bobby's World
Tiny Toon Adventures
Disney's Aladdin
The Little Mermaid
Samurai Pizza Cats
Maple Town (Maple Town Monogatari)
Rainbow Brite
Johnny Quest
The New Adventures of Johnny Quest
The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest
The Real Ghostbusters
The Legends of Zelda
Captain N
Kazemon15;51339 said:
Does old anime count? XDD
Well, Sailor Moon is a fav...
And I'm not sure, but I think Scooby Doo was around in the 70s, wasnt it?

; ...well it was still on cartoon network for a long long time. Care Bears and My Little Pony as well... can't forget Rainbow Bright......... man, what happened to me? XD Anything my sister watched, I basically watched, she was born in 1978, so she had to see cartoons in the 80s right? lol.
Scooby Doo started in 1969.