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  1. megumi


    I just realized that this thread got lost with Pages. o_o' Anyway! New Clickables thread~
  2. megumi

    Happy Birthday Yahiko!

    Happy birthday, Yahiko! Hope you have/had a good one! .
  3. megumi

    Happy Birthday Mugen!

    Our first birthday thread on the new forums! :D Happy burstday MugenSeiRyuu!
  4. megumi

    DS Successor?

    DS Successor? Yeah, totally not the best source of information. If anybody got better links with better info, share? And um... Wut?
  5. megumi

    Japanese Particle Explanation

    Japanese Particle Explanation Can somebody explain the difference between が and を as particles? My Japanese teacher somewhat failed to explain the difference in class. Explanation on the various other particles would be awesome as well. Thanks in advance. ^^