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  1. hwarangoo

    [Game] Corrupted wish

    I dont have proper grammar. And like why should I since im sortof dutch. oh and Granted but they called it Ryuusei no Rockman and changed the whole plot. I wish for a freeloader and the american super smash bros brawl.
  2. hwarangoo

    [Game] Corrupted wish

    Granted, Math = Wrong I wish to be able to gravitate stuff.
  3. hwarangoo

    [Game] Hit and Heal V3

    Hit digiboy Heal spiritboy
  4. hwarangoo

    [Game] Corrupted wish

    Granted but you miss the day you won the lottery and miss out on a million dollar. I wish for megaman in the new brawl that will come someday.
  5. hwarangoo

    [Game] The One Above

    ^^Reminds me of a cookie.
  6. hwarangoo

    [Game] Hit and Heal V3

    Heal: spiritboy hit: takatofan So had that for the day :)
  7. hwarangoo

    [Game] Corrupted wish

    You made him get out of my burning school unharmed. And granted, but the it turned out to be something else with almost the same name. I wish to be able to fly or surfe on radio waves
  8. hwarangoo

    [Game] Corrupted wish

    Granted your school got enraged in a huge fire disaster while you were in it. I wish too win with hit & heal. (how are you gonna corrupt that.)
  9. hwarangoo

    Chess Tournament

    If thats the case Im in even though I learned chess from the lego chess game. Tourneys are always fun and i already had a yahoo mail account.
  10. hwarangoo

    Yu-gi-oh styled cards

    I have lots of misora screenshots who need cards who is up for it?
  11. hwarangoo

    [Game] Hit and Heal V3

    That bastard werewolf ate Garlick.
  12. hwarangoo

    Chess Tournament

    But how would we play it then? im confused
  13. hwarangoo

    [Game] Hit and Heal V3

    Well it was the first day it is a bit hard to post on it because it starts after we have 10 players it might be a bit short of a day. Anyways I hit Roy and heal spiritboy.
  14. hwarangoo

    [Game] Stupid questions deserve stupid answers

    Because if they were named Klux people wouldn't ever tried eating them. How come there was never a megaman exe or ryuusei mmo?
  15. hwarangoo

    [Game] Stupid questions deserve stupid answers

    Because if they were named Klux people wouldn't ever tried eating them. How come there was never a megaman exe or ryuusei mmo?
  16. hwarangoo

    [Game] Hit and Heal V3

    Crap I missed a day. hit: Kage Heal: Nemo
  17. hwarangoo

    [Game] Hit and Heal V3

    how many points do vampires hit and count me in as a vampire. (I was already bitten, its just that im still alive.)
  18. hwarangoo

    [Game] Hit and Heal V2

    A roleplay would be when people have huge stories about killing one another. Maybe somoene should start a death note game. (sorry random thought.)
  19. hwarangoo

    Ryuusei no Rockman RPG

    *Emanuel is a good sleeper so he doesn't wake up.* Lacerta: i keep sencing those 2 wave beings as if they were frozen in their path did they forget to move or something. Maybe there some of my fellow amians who also flew to planet earth. Lacerta: Well I might as well check it out.
  20. hwarangoo

    [Game] Hit and Heal V2

    Didnt I die as the second player because I had too much hp at the beginning and afterwards just too finish me off.