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  1. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    Why hit me? T_T Hit Kage Heal Primo
  2. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    hit kage heal primo
  3. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    hit kage heal primo hard luck takatofan :'-(
  4. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    2's my lucky number
  5. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    your paying back of debt is very welcome :D Hit: Kage (just because I hit Primo yesterday) Heal: Takatofan.
  6. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    It's okay, I understand. I guess I have to heal kage, and I'll hit primo (nothing personal giving Takatofan a second (wait, third) chance)
  7. Johnzaloog

    Favourite fruit?

    nope, tomatoes are fruits, potatoes are carbohydrates and mushrooms are fungi and therefore not even a plant.
  8. Johnzaloog

    Favourite fruit?

    Naturally, anybody who thinks otherwise is just ignorant. (FYI, many think potatoes and mushrooms are vegies too, WRONG!)
  9. Johnzaloog

    Favourite fruit?

    Favourite fruit? Oranges!
  10. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    I understand, but you eraned yourself a hit (lol) Hit: Takatofan Heal: Primo
  11. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    hit takatofan (your health is a little too high, I claim some credit for that) heal primo
  12. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    Naturally :)
  13. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    I know :p I'm giving you a chance :D
  14. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    yeah, me too. I have decided. Hit: Kage Heal: Takatofan (hehe, you thought it would be you didn't you, no) KILL: Nemo (shock, horror, I thought it was about time somebody else won :))
  15. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    okay, hard choice............Vande, before I chose, do I get to do a hit and heal aswell?
  16. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    oops, forgot :) ok, hit takatofan (the end of the world! well, everybody else just attacked me, fine then, heal Primo, but I feel upset)
  17. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    PINK KURIBOH!! X3 I WANT ONE Hit: Takatofan Heal: Nemo (Long live the King!)
  18. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    oh noes, I forgot to say I'd be at my dad's, oh well. Hit: Takatofan (happy there tkfan?) Heal: Nemo
  19. Johnzaloog

    There has been no recent spam.

    spam is the inferior meat, bacon anyday.
  20. Johnzaloog

    [Game] Hit n Heal Volume 4

    hit tkfan heal nemo