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  • Yep. It's perfect in size now ^_^

    And yay :D Congrats on your scanner being fixed~ Luna looks great <3
    Yeah, it gets added together XD I mean, if someone had 3 images all with 500 width, that wouldn't work out well. It'd be 1,500 pixels which is bigger than most people's resolution @-@
    *goes to look at the images* The blog banner is 90 by width while your other banner was 450 by width. The max width total your signature can be is 500 ^^; 90 + 450 = 540. It was below the height limit, but too long by 40 pixels~
    Thatnks *Looks to see for images*
    Well, it's the perfect size right now. I'm actually under the 500 width limit @-@ And it's 339x193.
    Yeah. Unless I remove the big one though, it won't fit XD And I like my big banner. If I remove both small, it'll fit, but the signature won't be as balanced, so yeah, I pretty much can't win :p I'll just have to think about possibly making the signature a bit smaller when I make my new signature and then stack the two little banners together with some other stuff to balance the size out.
    Yay! :D You're welcome. Maybe more people will join XD I wanted to put Luna in mine, but it's too long and I can't decide which to remove to fit it >_>
    The BBcode to take is in a text box (I believe the second one) on the blog page :3 just implement "misora" without the "'s and in all lowercase where it says CHARACTERNAMEHERE for her to show up and that's it! :D
    You just ask XD But yeah, I'll add you as Misora now so you can use the image and link it there. It's actually more of a "character claim" over a blog crew. I'm still not sure why they call them blog crews...
    Sure~ But yeah, just say you want to join and claim Misora (here is fine) and I'll add your name. I uploaded a better one, so let me know what you think.
    Sure~ But yeah, just say you want to join and claim Misora (here is fine) and I'll add your name. I uploaded a better one, so let me know what you think.
    Hmm...I'll look through the screenshots I have. I don't have many of Misora. You do have to sign up for the blog to use it though :p
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