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  • She must be using a paid server. There are plenty of free hosting servers like geocities and angelfire. Like the site I showed as an example is on a free server, however, my domain and where WSA is costs 40 dollars a month ^^;
    Yeah :3 I use Paypal.
    You're welcome :3
    I love her hair XD It's my favorite thing about her. I'll admit it is probably a pain to draw, but she's the only RnR character I can get to come out decent >>

    Hmm...It can be pretty hard. There's all kinds of things, some can be really simple like one of my first sites: This site was the first shipping shrine I ever made :p So you'll see all sorts of issues... However, some people prefer simple sites like that, like a lot of the Japanese sites, rather than a full layout, they do a simple site with a frame. ^_^ So it really depends on what you're going for~ There's also lots of site wizards to help at first too :3
    Well, I can forgive you because you didn't do that much, it'll take me a while for me to ever want to forgive Rocknote. She did a lot more you probably didn't see before becoming a member and I'm really sensitive :/ I don't need to be made to start crying online from someone.
    Well, you don't have to like her~ Not everybody does, just respect that I do. Fan art of her would be nice as art of her isn't that common. Good luck on fixing your scanner~
    Kay. We actually got your art through the submission form, so I don't know who submitted it in the first place if it wasn't you... o-o;

    But...Sure. ^_^
    the japanese I wrote is "love misora".. I really should of put boku infront (I {informal}) lol
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