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  • Ooo. I see. Emi is about the only alias I have that doesn't include numbers. The other one, rini124, is what I use for most virtual pet sites as it's just a general username, but I can name the pets otherwise. I do have Jenemi, which I use for a lot of MMORPGs as it's never taken. Usually if Emi is taken, I'll use that or Emi124.
    Thanks a lot! It is my birthday today, and since I live in New Zealand, we're the first country to see the sun rise. :)
    Thanks a lot! It is my birthday today, and since I live in New Zealand, we're the first country to see the sun rise. :)
    Nah, I don't care too much about speed unless I'm trying to beat a record. I just prefer a cute ball.
    I've seen it :3 But yeah, it really sounds awesome~ I can't waiiit.
    My parents', my sister's, and mine~
    Charlie was my boyfriend's favorite. I preferred the puppy XD
    The next big games on my list are Wii Fit and Pokemon Ranch, though, Pokemon Ranch is just a WiiWare game but it sounds awesome XD
    Zelly, huh? You're not the first who called me that, so that's okay. ;)
    I didn't know "schuldig" was almost the same in Dutch, but then again, a lot of German words are used in Dutch, too.
    Link me to the quiz and we'll find out.
    My mom only plays a few things so yeah XD And we have 3 Wii's.
    I played Kororinpa ^___^ I loved that game. It was awesome.

    Aww <3 Thanks~ :3
    I didn't request a name change actually XD This was just random. I don't have much my name would be otherwise.
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